Tag: nonprofit organizations

1 2 3 4 30 / 33 POSTS
6 Evergreen email templates for nonprofits

6 Evergreen email templates for nonprofits

You know it better than anyone, taking care of a nonprofit is a full-time commitment where action is the watchword! We count among these actions ...
7 blog post ideas for Nonprofit Organizations in 2020

7 blog post ideas for Nonprofit Organizations in 2020

Almost every organization including nonprofits is familiar with drafting and writing blog posts that talk about new products, trends, success stories ...
Reimagine Your Nonprofit to Keep Crisis Worries Away

Reimagine Your Nonprofit to Keep Crisis Worries Away

Numerous nonprofits have survived many challenges for decades and hopefully will thrive in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic as well. Truth be told, ...
Top challenges facing nonprofits in 2020 (and some solutions)

Top challenges facing nonprofits in 2020 (and some solutions)

Nonprofit : an important sector for the US economy  The nonprofit sector is more important and influential than ever. The U.S. nonprofit sect ...
5 New Year’s Resolutions to Grow Your Nonprofit

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Grow Your Nonprofit

With this article, we want to assert and reassert that it is not very late for your nonprofit to come up with its New Year’s resolutions. When we say ...
Expert tips on nonprofit and corporate alliances

Expert tips on nonprofit and corporate alliances

It’s all about trends in the nonprofit fundraising world today. What works actually works very well and helps in expanding the audience while the wro ...
Advice for Young Nonprofit Fundraising Professionals

Advice for Young Nonprofit Fundraising Professionals

Young professionals are going to be  the ones that will shape and create tomorrow’s business world. A number of millennial have passion and love ...
Your 10-Step checklist for welcoming visitors this Easter

Your 10-Step checklist for welcoming visitors this Easter

Easter Sunday has been in observance since time immemorial and the significance of it surely isn’t unknown. Easter is the celebration of Christ's resu ...
Finance for Nonprofits: The art of managing more with less in 2019

Finance for Nonprofits: The art of managing more with less in 2019

It is a common belief that maintaining nonprofits is an easy task because they are exempted from paying taxes to the government and they don’t have t ...
The benefits of having a blog for nonprofits

The benefits of having a blog for nonprofits

With the year coming to an end, it is the time to take a moment and reflect on the activities that you’ve carried out for your nonprofit organization. ...
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