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5 New Year’s Resolutions to Grow Your Nonprofit

Grow Nonprofit - 5 New Year Resolutions

With this article, we want to assert and reassert that it is not very late for your nonprofit to come up with its New Year’s resolutions. When we say resolution, it only means betterment, an improvement in you as a professional or in your nonprofit could be very beneficial. Improving your organization would also help in your nonprofit fundraising and all of its functioning. Indeed, there is no specific time to decide on improvement, but the beginning of the year surely is a good time. Here are a few nonprofit new year resolutions that could bring about great results at the end of the year.

Clean and utilize your database

All the mess from that year-end giving must have had its impact on the arrangement of your database, it must have created some loose ends that needs to be fixed. You can turn your database into a nonprofit fundraising machine by keeping it accurate and well organized. Start by filling in any missing info and scan through all the past records, this will help you see the loopholes of last year and will open doors to better performances this time round. Once you have done the cleaning, channel this information into good use, make complete use of the records. For example, try to find out which email subject had the maximum open rate? Focusing on these little details will help you in big ways.

Spread awareness

Now this is for the nonprofit professional who feels that the nonprofit world deserves more exposure. This can be done through social media; your nonprofit’s handle or may be even your own. Posts can be made around the history of nonprofit offices and how nonprofit dealing has turned into a full fledged business, this will bring about more awareness and you can engage people into conversations.

Enhance your giving experience

Since a nonprofit professional and the nonprofit go hand in hand, your effort would truly profit the organization. Put yourself in the shoe of the donor, donate to your nonprofit and see how smooth the process is. If you encounter some problems, note them down so that they can be improved. Try to see your nonprofit as an outsider, that is when you’ll see the areas where it needs improvement. Note the details about your website, as to the accessibility to donation form, load time, the number of times you got thanked and so on. Know your business in and out.

Keep learning

Reading about your industry and expanding your knowledge about the trends in the nonprofit industry is a very good habit. You never stop learning, so look for strategies and ideas that can help your organization fare better. As you read more, you will have a clearer idea as to what works best for your situation, you will know which road to take to achieve your goals.

Mobile-friendly website

In order for a brand to be more reliable, effective and impactful, it should have a proper website that works well and is mobile-friendly. A huge section of your target audience would be viewing your nonprofit’s website through their mobile devices because it becomes more convenient that way. To add to this reasoning, more than 50% of all internet traffic is through mobile devices. Poorly designed nonprofit websites can cause a serious loss of a section of online donations.

Declaring your resolution and following through is not the most easy task, but think of it as a daily exercise that will help you reach your target. Be it nonprofit fundraising, donor management or any other service, your nonprofit should be at the top of every area of work.

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Last modified: January 28, 2020

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