Tag: nonprofit organizations

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Giving USA 2021:  Implications For Faith-Based Organizations

Giving USA 2021: Implications For Faith-Based Organizations

After the unprecedented events of the past year, nonprofit fundraisers have many questions about the performance of faith-based giving. In this post, ...
Changes in the Nonprofit Landscape in 2021

Changes in the Nonprofit Landscape in 2021

Like it did in every sector, the pandemic changed the way nonprofits function and do business.  As a result of the pandemic, there have been mul ...
Fundraising for Nonprofits: Preparing for Mid-Year Reviews

Fundraising for Nonprofits: Preparing for Mid-Year Reviews

Campaign performance reviews are important in all sectors of the business world. Fundraising for nonprofits also requires organization heads and team ...
How to Use LinkedIn to Expand Your Nonprofit’s Reach

How to Use LinkedIn to Expand Your Nonprofit’s Reach

LinkedIn for nonprofit | Five steps to success. What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. Keeping thi ...
Fundraising Metrics and Statistics : What to track

Fundraising Metrics and Statistics : What to track

The success of fundraising for nonprofits is highly determined by the outcome of the fundraising campaign. You sure cannot measure the happiness and ...
Nonprofit Videos That Spark Creativity

Nonprofit Videos That Spark Creativity

Nonprofit videos in comparison to the other videos available online have a huge potential to spark engagement. Because there is a message of huma ...
5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

Some of us learn by doing, some by listening, and others learn by reading. This list of must-read fundraising books is for those of us who learn thro ...
Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

Nonprofits are not real people. Therefore, they require a set of reliable and qualified individuals to guide work through each phase. Fundraising for ...
10 Blogging Best Practices for Nonprofits in 2021

10 Blogging Best Practices for Nonprofits in 2021

Blogging as a means of communication is an important exercise for nonprofit organizations to maintain openness and trust. The term blogging might be ...
6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

As you communicate on behalf of your nonprofit organization, it is of utmost importance that you know your audience thoroughly. This is simply the fi ...
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