Tag: nonprofit marketing

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Top 5 Mistakes Nonprofits Make on Their Donation Pages

Top 5 Mistakes Nonprofits Make on Their Donation Pages

Have you ever looked at your website analytics and wondered why so many visitors leave your website without making a donation? The good news is ...
How donor management tools help create better fundraisers

How donor management tools help create better fundraisers

A donor management software is like a CRM for nonprofits. It helps you measure the effectiveness of your fundraising campaigns with robust analysis a ...
How to Leverage Influencer Marketing to Widen Your Reach

How to Leverage Influencer Marketing to Widen Your Reach

The main concern of nonprofits at this moment is fundraising and keeping the engagement with donors. Looking up for easy fundraising ideas on the int ...
Enhance Your Nonprofit Fundraising With Millennials

Enhance Your Nonprofit Fundraising With Millennials

Millennials are geared to be the drivers for charitable donations. They are tech-savvy, informed and want to see the impact of what they donate. Grad ...
eBook | #GivingTuesday guide by GiveCentral

eBook | #GivingTuesday guide by GiveCentral

The season of giving is upon us and with that comes great opportunities for growing your nonprofit resources and community. One way to do that is to ...
4 Things to remember while creating a hashtag

4 Things to remember while creating a hashtag

Social media has changed the rules of engagement for nonprofits. At the very least, it has added a new dimension. It perfectly fits into your nonprof ...
5 Best Halloween Campaigns That Nonprofits Could Learn From

5 Best Halloween Campaigns That Nonprofits Could Learn From

Halloween - the spookiest time of the year is also one of the most exciting ones for marketing your campaigns. Many nonprofits ignore Halloween’s fund ...
How could nonprofits up their marketing game?

How could nonprofits up their marketing game?

The role of marketing in nonprofit fundraising cannot be emphasized enough. With all the competition in the fundraising space and the limited amount o ...
5 Conferences that every nonprofit must attend in 2018

5 Conferences that every nonprofit must attend in 2018

For a successful fundraising for nonprofits, there has to be efficiency in every aspect of the organizational structure. Conferences could help you a ...
Poetry to help market your nonprofit fundraising campaigns

Poetry to help market your nonprofit fundraising campaigns

At a time when funds are limited, it is important to spend every dollar wisely. The idea is to have the best returns for investment. Digital marketin ...
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