Nonprofit Fundraising Trends 2021 | Experts Advice

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Nonprofit Fundraising Trends 2021 | Experts Advice

A new year doesn’t mean a year without challenges, but it sure is a golden opportunity to realign your nonprofit strategies and aim for bigger goals. Fundraising for nonprofits underwent numerous changes in the past year. The landscape of the nonprofit industry is perpetually altered and remote giving is now the new normal.

And and always, the noble work must go on! Here are a few trends that nonprofit experts are looking forward to, this year. 

“Donors (and fundraisers) are now accustomed to working via Zoom. As a result, the fundraising landscape has permanently changed. It will forevermore be possible to solicit gifts via Zoom, saving development professionals time and energy. It also eliminates the previously mandatory waiting period for donors to return from their summer or winter homes to solicit them in-person. I’m not saying we won’t solicit in-person moving forward, but virtual solicitation has been added to the mix of effective and efficient fundraising methodology.“

-Amy Eisenstein, CEO and Co-Founder, Capital Campaign Toolkit

“The rise of mobile will get even bigger in 2021. Considering the fact that 50% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, nonprofit organizations will have to thoroughly check if their web pages have been mobile optimized. Mobile giving too will continue to be on the rise. Emails and other communication materials should ideally provide direct links for online and mobile giving. Online fundraising for nonprofits has seen tremendous success in 2020.

For instance, GiveCentral’s latest #GivingTuesday campaign with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati helped raise over $1.4 million in donations.”

-Patrick Coleman, CEO, GiveCentral

“Since Giving Days are still somewhat new, they are gaining more and more visibility. They will continue to grow as important fundraising tools in 2021 and beyond. 2020 saw not one, but two Giving Tuesdays – and both were hugely successful. In December, 2020’s annual Giving Tuesday yielded a whopping 25% more than the previous year, with 29% more donors participating. In addition, many organizations and institutions are staging their own proprietary Giving Days with solid success.”

-Gail Perry, Philanthropic Expert & Nonprofit Evangelist, Fired Up Fundraising

“Peer-to-Peer (P2P) fundraising using social media platforms is growing, specifically through Facebook and Instagram personal fundraisers, the Donate button, and Stories donation stickers. On Giving Tuesday last year over $125 million was raised via Facebook Fundraising. About 1.1 million people started or donated to a Facebook Fundraiser on #GivingTuesday and about 97,000 nonprofits benefited. YouTube Giving tools are also ones to watch, but they don’t have the user-friendly aspect of Facebook fundraisers (at least, not yet).”

-Julia Campbell, Founder & Principal, J Campbell Social Marketing

There is so much hope for the nonprofit sector with the advancement in technology and the adoption of new strategies and fundraising methods. Here’s to hoping for a prosperous 2021!


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