Tag: nonprofit fundraising

1 2 3 15 10 / 144 POSTS
The Importance Of Tracking Outcomes At Your Nonprofit

The Importance Of Tracking Outcomes At Your Nonprofit

A gap can be good in some situations, but it is not the best idea when it comes to tracking outcomes of your nonprofit's activities. Considering your ...
How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

Is your organization making the most of its email list? When done right, email marketing has the power to substantially boost your nonprofit’s fundra ...
5 Top Tips For Retaining Nonprofit Employees

5 Top Tips For Retaining Nonprofit Employees

How does a nonprofit organization thrive? Well, it all starts from within - the office and the team. Every task and execution shapes up when your org ...
How to Create Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Videos

How to Create Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Videos

This article is written by Doug Scott from Tectonic Video. Videos are a powerful fundraising tool that can be used to connect with potential suppo ...
Debunked: 4 Fundraising Delusions That Nonprofits Go Through

Debunked: 4 Fundraising Delusions That Nonprofits Go Through

Many times a lot of nonprofit organizations believe that a good and solid donor database would make any fundraising process smoother. However, that i ...
3 Ways You’re Holding Your Campaign Back Without Knowing It

3 Ways You’re Holding Your Campaign Back Without Knowing It

When you are in the throes of planning a capital campaign, you’re likely to focus on all the things you can control. You work on selecting a consulta ...
Transform Your Giving & Engagement With GCSmart Tools

Transform Your Giving & Engagement With GCSmart Tools

The role of a nonprofit fundraising software is to bring about efficient management and successful fundraising results. Many fundraising platforms of ...
3 Ways to Engage Your Local Community in Fundraising

3 Ways to Engage Your Local Community in Fundraising

For nonprofit organizations, fundraising is one of the most critical parts of their operations. Because of their fundraising efforts, nonprofits can ...
4 School Fundraising Ideas for High School Students

4 School Fundraising Ideas for High School Students

Fundraising is an important part of schools’ operations, from funding students’ scholarships to providing them with important academic resources. Whi ...
Debunked: 5 Common Misconceptions About Online Giving

Debunked: 5 Common Misconceptions About Online Giving

There are so many beliefs regarding nonprofit fundraising that will stand true for years to come. One example of the unchanging truths is that all no ...
1 2 3 15 10 / 144 POSTS