Let’s take a quick look at some of the important events you can raise awareness about in October. This post has ideas and usable social media templates (copy ideas included!) that you can post on your social media posts or add to your email communication to your donors to engage them better.
Respect Life Month

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October is Respect Life Month! This year’s theme, Live the Gospel of Life, is inspired by the 25th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul II’s Evagelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). Let us pray that the life of every person, from conception to natural death, will be cherished in our hearts and protected in our laws.
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October is Respect Life Month. Let us pray that the life of every person, from conception to natural death, will be cherished in our hearts and protected in our laws.
Note: This can be posted a few times throughout the month if your content calendar allows.
Month of the Holy Rosary

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The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. Need a refresher? Check out this handy guide on how to pray the Rosary https://catholiccurrent.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/TWIM-5-45-prayer-resource.pdf
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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October is #BreastCancer Awareness Month. Did you know that breast cancer is the 2nd most common cancer among women? Learn more here https://www.cancer.org/healthy/find-cancer-early/womens-health/cancer-facts-for-women.html and show your support by wearing pink this month!
Note: This can be posted a few times throughout the month if your content calendar allows.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, help is available. Call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 911.
Welcome October, October 1

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Welcome to October!
World Smile Day, October 2

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A smile goes a long way…and it’s so easy to share. Show us your smile #WorldSmileDay
Feast of the Guardian Angels, October 2

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Today is Guardian Angels Day, a time to remember and give thanks to the guardian angels watching over each of us. Angel of God, be at my side to light, to guard to rule and guide.
‘Fratelli tutti’, October 3

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Today, Pope Francis visited Assisi where he celebrated Holy Mass at the Tomb of St. Francis and signed a new encyclical entitled Fratelli tutti or “All Brothers” on fraternity and social friendship.
World Teachers’ Day, October 5

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In honor of Unesco’s World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate teachers everywhere for their tireless dedication to their students. Let us know what teacher inspired you. #WorldTeachersDay
Navy Birthday, October 6

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Did you know the Navy was established this day in 1775? Today we recognize and thank the brave men and women who have served our Country – past and present. Happy Birthday to the #Navy!
Our Lady of the Rosary (Feast Day), October 7

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Saint Pius V established the Feast of Our Lady of The Rosary in 1573 to thank God for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto – a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Take time today to pray the rosary.
Global Compact on Education (week), October 11-18

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The Global Compact on Education, an event promoted by Pope Francis “to revive commitment to and with the younger generations” takes place this week. Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the potential of education. To learn more visit https://www.educationglobalcompact.org.
Let us pray that the now virtual meetings this week are successful.
The Global Compact on Education, an event promoted by Pope Francis “to revive commitment to and with the younger generations” takes place this week. To learn more visit https://www.educationglobalcompact.org.
Let us pray for the success of the initiative.
International Day of the Girl, October 11

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Today is United Nation’s International Day of the Girl. Did you know, worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls aged 15–19 years is neither employed nor in education or training compared to 1 in 10 boys of the same age. By 2021 around 435 million women and girls will be living on less than $1.90 a day — including 47 million pushed into poverty as a result of COVID-19. To learn more, click here https://www.un.org/en/observances/girl-child-day
Today is United Nation’s International Day of the Girl. To learn more, click here https://www.un.org/en/observances/girl-child-day
Columbus Day, October 12

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Happy Columbus Day!
Saint Callistus, October 14

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Did you know that Saint Callistus was the 16th Pope? Saint Callistus, Pray for Us.
Global Handwashing Day, October 15

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Handwashing with soap prevents the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Handwashing is also key ensuring better health outcomes beyond the pandemic. This #GlobalHandwashingDay, wash your hands with soap and water to protect yourself and others; #WASHVirusesAway
Handwashing with soap prevents the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. This #GlobalHandwashingDay, wash your hands with soap and water to protect yourself and others; #WASHVirusesAway
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church Feast Day (Teresa of Avila), October 15

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Saint Teresa, Pray for Us.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, October 17

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St. Ignatius of Antioch is a Syrian-born martyr who is believed to coin the term “Catholic Church” meaning universal church. St. Ignatius of Antioch, Pray for Us.
World Mission Sunday, October 18

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Today is World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts through prayer, sacrifice and support. This year, Pope Francis asks us to respond to that call saying, “Here I am, Send Me!” Today’s second collection supports missionary work around the world. We encourage you to pray for missioners and donate to help to sustain their important work.
Today is World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts through prayer, sacrifice and support. We encourage you to pray for missioners and donate to help to sustain their important work.
Saint John Brebeuf & Saint Isaac Jogues (Feast Day), October 19

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Today is the Feast Day of two Jesuit missionaries: Saints John Brebeuf and Isaac Joques, Pray for Us.
Saint Paul of the Cross, October 20

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Saint Paul of the Cross founded the order of missionary priests knows as the Passionist. He devoted himself to the service of the poor and the sick. Let us aim to serve the poor and the sick as he did. Saint Paul of the Cross, Pray for Us.
Saint John Paul II, October 22

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Saint John Paul II, Pray for Us.
St. John of Capistrano, October 23

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St. John of Capistrano is the patron of jurists and military chaplains. Saint John of Capistrano, Pray for Us.
United Nations Day, October 24

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Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, which was founded to support the collective action to realize peace, development and human rights for all.
Saints Simon and Jude (Feast Days), October 28

Did you know that Saint Simon is the patron saint of tanners and lumberjacks while Saint Jude is the patron of desperate causes? Today we celebrate their Feast Day. Saints Simon and Jude, Pray for Us!
Halloween, October 31

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Happy Halloween!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Covid-19 Events Halloween fundraising nonprofit fundraising Social Media
Last modified: October 4, 2020