The Ultimate Easter Fundraising Checklist for 2021

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The Ultimate Easter Fundraising Checklist for 2021

Easter fundraising for nonprofits and churches is an activity that needs to be smartly planned, well executed and thoroughly monitored. Given the current pandemic situation, all fundraising campaigns are mostly being executed online and funds are gathered through tools such as mobile giving. For instance, GiveCentral as a fundraising platform, is optimizing on Electronic Pew Cards in order to make the process easier for both the churches and donors. 

As you prepare to get on the fundraising swing this Easter, here are a few tips that may help you before, during and after the campaign!

Easter Fundraising Checklist-

  1. Know your goal

Events and campaigns that are linked to fundraising for nonprofits are always done with a target amount in mind. You need to specify the same and create your plan to best suit the achievement of your goal. 

  1. Check up on your team

You have your plan ready and the next step is to execute. However, see to it that your staff across all teams are all on the same page, before you proceed. Call for a group meeting and make all duties and responsibilities clear.

  1. Pre-campaign outreach

Your donors need to be ready for their Easter donations. Therefore, talk about your campaign as much as you can, via your website, social media handles and emails. 

  1. Educate and brief your donors

It is important to let your donors know about the giving tools and methods that your organization is opting for. For example, texting numbers and keywords should be made available and known to your supporters as soon as you announce your Easter fundraising. 

  1. Make your donors feel at home

Even though all donations are to be made digitally, your donors can still be made to feel special by offering to pray for them. Ask your donors if they have a prayer request and let them know that you would love to pray for them. This will show that you care about your donors as much as you care about your fundraising.

  1. Follow up

Ask your donors to give you their honest feedback on how their donation experience has been with your church or nonprofit. This can give you so much room for improvement and as for the positive reviews, you can make testimonials out of them and post it on your social media. 

  1. Thank your donors

An automated thank you message or email is always nice. You can always take it a notch higher by calling your donors personally and thanking them, effort really counts!


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