Tag: Social Media

1 2 3 7 10 / 70 POSTS
Taking Email Marketing a Step Further: 6 Tips for Nonprofits

Taking Email Marketing a Step Further: 6 Tips for Nonprofits

Email is one of the most important channels for nonprofit marketing as it’s one of the best ways to engage with your supporters in a one-to-one conve ...
How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

For a long time, carrying out an advertising campaign broadly meant paying for flyers, posters, etc., or for space on television, newspaper or on the ...
Beautiful Storytelling Examples For Nonprofit Fundraising

Beautiful Storytelling Examples For Nonprofit Fundraising

Storytelling is an art that needs to be polished and perfected with each milestone. Organizations worldwide are making use of modern technology and m ...
Turning Your Top Donors Into Storytellers For Your Nonprofit

Turning Your Top Donors Into Storytellers For Your Nonprofit

A compelling storytelling gives birth to a successful fundraising strategy; stories evoke emotions and actions. Be it visual or verbal, effective sto ...
Charitable Giving: Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Father’s Day

Charitable Giving: Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Father’s Day

There are thousands of reasons to generate charitable giving and raise funds. From helping individuals cover their educational or medical expenses to ...
6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

Your organization’s most recent fundraising campaign may have ended, but that doesn’t mean that your efforts to motivate your donors need to slow dow ...
The Complete Nonprofit Fundraising Checklist

The Complete Nonprofit Fundraising Checklist

As a nonprofit organization, you do much needed work. In these extraordinary times, you need financial resources more than ever to enable you to sust ...
Tips for Finding The Right Influencers For Your Nonprofit

Tips for Finding The Right Influencers For Your Nonprofit

Collaboration with influencers is an ideal strategy to really bring your nonprofit organization to the forefront, especially in terms of visibility. ...
Building A Successful Annual Fundraising Campaign

Building A Successful Annual Fundraising Campaign

Every organization has annual operating expenses. Holding an annual campaign is a great way to raise funds to cover expenditures that keep your organ ...
Machine Learning and Nonprofits: The Significant Guide

Machine Learning and Nonprofits: The Significant Guide

The fundraising landscape is constantly evolving with new and proven digital fundraising strategies that deliver great results.  For corporations and ...
1 2 3 7 10 / 70 POSTS