Mobile Giving: 5 Strategies to Improve The Donor Experience

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Mobile Giving: 5 Strategies to Improve The Donor Experience

Technology is changing the way the world works.  It’s a powerful tool that every business needs to ensure they are adapting for and leveraging. With smartphones and mobile devices nearly ubiquitous, it’s no surprise that mobile giving is on the rise. In fact, more than 50 percent of donors make gifts right from their smartphones.  

To meet your donor’s needs and giving preferences, you need to ensure that donors can easily support your organization from the palm of their hand. That’s why it’s important that your fundraising incorporates a robust mobile strategy. Here are five best practices to incorporate into your mobile giving plans. 

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization simply means that an online page is easily accessible and navigable through a smartphone or any mobile device. In today’s tech-driven world, being optimized for mobile is standard practice no matter the industry. With mobile giving on the rise, ensuring your donation pages are designed with the donor in mind is imperative. When optimizing your donation pages for mobile, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Load Time –  The world is on the go and no one likes slow loading content.  Aim for a load time no longer than 3 seconds.
  • Right-Sized images –  Images speak 1,000 words but when it comes to mobile, size matters. Be sure to resize images so they fit the screen and load quickly.  
  • Quick Copy – Use short sentences and bullet points for improved readability.
  • Pick a donor management software that supports mobile optimization.  GiveCentral’s mobile optimized donation pages were designed with the donor experience in mind.  With faster load times, intuitive design and bold call to donate buttons, the mobile-first design makes it simple and seamless for donors to support you whenever and wherever it’s convenient for them. 

A donation management platform that is fully optimized can do so much more  to further your mission and help you raise more. Optimized donor management software like GiveCentral offers an advanced suite of funding and engagement tools. Consider incorporating these giving techniques into your strategy:


Everyone texts these days and giving via text is becoming more mainstream.  Don’t leave this valuable, quick and easy donation technique out of your mobile giving mix:

  • With a few clicks on their mobile device, supporters can send donations using a specific number or specially-created keyword. 
  • Customize your text-to-give campaign to include an automated, personalized thank you text sent immediately after a donor gives via text.
  • Personalized thank you messages post donation help you form a stronger bond. 

Mobile Bidding

Hosting a fundraiser?  Have you tried mobile bidding? Used in an auction, it’s an on-the-rise tactic and an effective way to engage more donors. Donors – whether in attendance or not – have the opportunity to bid directly from their smartphones. “Using mobile bidding for your auctions is a great way to expand reach,” says Patrick Coleman, CEO, GiveCentral. “By going mobile, you are able to target all your supporters which not only helps you raise more but also improves donor engagement.” 

Preset Donation Amounts

Preset donation amounts are one way to simplify your donation process, especially for those donating from their smartphone. As an added bonus, it is also likely to increase the average donation. For example, if a donor wishes to donate $45 but sees $10, $20, $50, $100 as options, he is likely to select the preset $50 option for ease.  

Take the extra step to quantify for donors what each pre-set donation amount will accomplish for your mission. For example, a $100 donation will provide a week’s worth of healthy meals.  Linking the donation to an outcome will help drive donations. 

Social Media Sharing

There are 3.78 billion social media users across the globe. People of all ages use their mobile devices to stay connected. Why not turn this into an advantage for your nonprofit and amplify your voice and reach?

On your donation page or website, offer easy-to-click buttons  for social media sharing. Once the donation is made, your donors can:

  • Talk about your cause – and their commitment – on social media through share buttons. 
  • Leverage the voice and credibility of your donors to spread your mission.
  • It will give your nonprofit a chance to reach out and connect to more people. Your audience will grow. 


In today’s tech-driven world it’s critical to incorporate mobile giving strategies into your fundraising plan. Offering multiple, intuitive ways to give will ensure you are meeting the needs of your donors which in turn will help you raise more!


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