Tag: nonprofit fundraising

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Mid-Pandemic Fundraising for Nonprofits Strategies Checklist: 13 Items to Move off the Back Burner

Mid-Pandemic Fundraising for Nonprofits Strategies Checklist: 13 Items to Move off the Back Burner

As a nonprofit, there are always a few activities that get pushed to the back. However, your fundraising strategies during the pandemic should includ ...
All You Need to Know about Donation Receipts

All You Need to Know about Donation Receipts

For nonprofit organizations, there are different fundraising campaigns that drive donations all year round. In the process of fundraising for nonprof ...
6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

As you communicate on behalf of your nonprofit organization, it is of utmost importance that you know your audience thoroughly. This is simply the fi ...
20 Ideas to Virtually Steward Donors for Nonprofit Organizations

20 Ideas to Virtually Steward Donors for Nonprofit Organizations

When we say donor stewardship, it only starts when a donor has contributed to your organization. It mainly refers to the way in which relationships a ...
Religious Feast Days,   National and Social Media Holidays in October

Religious Feast Days, National and Social Media Holidays in October

Let's take a quick look at some of the important events you can raise awareness about in October. This post has ideas and usable social media templat ...
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising For Nonprofits: All Need To Know

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising For Nonprofits: All Need To Know

Peer-to-peer fundraising for nonprofits is a powerful fundraising strategy for any cause. This specific form of crowdfunding is basically a multi-tie ...
Nonprofit Social Media Checklist to Help Get You Started

Nonprofit Social Media Checklist to Help Get You Started

Social media is emerging as one of the most used platforms right now, mainly because the majority of the world’s population is staying home and keepi ...
The Quick and Ultimate Year End Fundraising Checklist

The Quick and Ultimate Year End Fundraising Checklist

Although we are in the middle of an outspread that is taking lives by the thousands, the coming months especially November and December are expected ...
5 Insider Lessons to Perfectly Execute Your Next Nonprofit Virtual Event

5 Insider Lessons to Perfectly Execute Your Next Nonprofit Virtual Event

At the beginning of this year, no one thought the year 2020 would turn out this way. Most of us started the year on a happy note and with great hopes ...
4 Key tips for your nonprofit to get used to the new normal

4 Key tips for your nonprofit to get used to the new normal

The pandemic has taken the world by storm, Covid-19 has truly changed the whole business landscape of different industries. Fundraising for nonprofit ...
1 3 4 5 6 7 15 50 / 144 POSTS