Tag: nonprofit fundraising

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Email marketing for nonprofits – Subject lines that boost open rates

Email marketing for nonprofits – Subject lines that boost open rates

Are you about to launch your email marketing campaign and want to improve your open rate? All good marketers know it! Choosing the subject of an e ...
5 Magic Words to Help Increase Charitable Donations

5 Magic Words to Help Increase Charitable Donations

Words can be the perfect icing on your already beautiful cake! Let's take a closer look at what you can do to keep those charitable donations co ...
Nonprofit Videos That Spark Creativity

Nonprofit Videos That Spark Creativity

Nonprofit videos in comparison to the other videos available online have a huge potential to spark engagement. Because there is a message of huma ...
Secrets to a Successful Nonprofit Digital Transformation

Secrets to a Successful Nonprofit Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process through which technology is used by an organization to change or improve business performance. At the moment, b ...
Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

When creating a donation website, your primary goal is to get as many visitors to it as possible. After spending a lot of time building a site in you ...
7 Ways to Optimize Donor Experience for Nonprofits

7 Ways to Optimize Donor Experience for Nonprofits

Online donation has largely been a part of fundraising for nonprofits and it has grown by 12.1% over the past year. A solid and strong process of don ...
5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

Some of us learn by doing, some by listening, and others learn by reading. This list of must-read fundraising books is for those of us who learn thro ...
Ways to Boost Donor Retention with Social Media

Ways to Boost Donor Retention with Social Media

According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, donor retention rates float around 45% or less. That means for every 100 new donors, 55 never ret ...
Nonprofit Fundraising Trends 2021 | Experts Advice

Nonprofit Fundraising Trends 2021 | Experts Advice

A new year doesn’t mean a year without challenges, but it sure is a golden opportunity to realign your nonprofit strategies and aim for bigger goals. ...
Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

Nonprofits are not real people. Therefore, they require a set of reliable and qualified individuals to guide work through each phase. Fundraising for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 15 40 / 144 POSTS