Tag: donation page

1 2 10 / 20 POSTS
Transformational Fundraisers for Nonprofits: 5 Donor Outreach Ideas

Transformational Fundraisers for Nonprofits: 5 Donor Outreach Ideas

In simple terms, there are two ways to look at how you approach your donors. Transactional and transformational - transactional fundraising is when y ...
Top 5 Mistakes Nonprofits Make on Their Donation Pages

Top 5 Mistakes Nonprofits Make on Their Donation Pages

Have you ever looked at your website analytics and wondered why so many visitors leave your website without making a donation? The good news is ...
5 Must-Know Tips To Save Your Church Money This Year

5 Must-Know Tips To Save Your Church Money This Year

A church is best known as the place for fellowship, finding comfort in worship and company of fellow church members. However, like any other organiza ...
6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

Your organization’s most recent fundraising campaign may have ended, but that doesn’t mean that your efforts to motivate your donors need to slow dow ...
6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

The bigger and more responsive your donor base is, the easier it is to raise all the money you need to fully fund your nonprofit’s budget. Finding ...
[Guest Post] 4 Things You Can Do With a CMS Made for Nonprofits

[Guest Post] 4 Things You Can Do With a CMS Made for Nonprofits

The past year and a half hasn’t been easy for any nonprofit, but you’ve likely learned to adapt to the less-than-optimal circumstances imposed by COV ...
[Guest Post] 4 Online Donation Options to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Efforts

[Guest Post] 4 Online Donation Options to Boost Your Nonprofit’s Efforts

It can be challenging to secure donations for your nonprofit. A large part of that may be due to a lack of engagement. To make matters more difficult ...
Fundraising tips: how to improve donor conversion rates

Fundraising tips: how to improve donor conversion rates

You work hard to show the important work your nonprofit does for the community. You send out newsletters, organize events, post on social media platf ...
Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

When creating a donation website, your primary goal is to get as many visitors to it as possible. After spending a lot of time building a site in you ...
Mid-Pandemic Fundraising for Nonprofits Strategies Checklist: 13 Items to Move off the Back Burner

Mid-Pandemic Fundraising for Nonprofits Strategies Checklist: 13 Items to Move off the Back Burner

As a nonprofit, there are always a few activities that get pushed to the back. However, your fundraising strategies during the pandemic should includ ...
1 2 10 / 20 POSTS