6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

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6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

The bigger and more responsive your donor base is, the easier it is to raise all the money you need to fully fund your nonprofit’s budget.

Finding new donors for your nonprofit can seem like a difficult task if you are reaching out to the wrong people. You need to think about this problem strategically.  If you do, you will find that you are able to connect with the right people without having to empty your pockets! So for 2022,here are some tips for finding new donors and securing a new source of funding for your nonprofit organization.

1- Invest in a good management system

Investing in a donor management system is the essential condition for launching and managing online fundraising calls and finding new donors. For many nonprofits, paying 100 dollars per month is too expensive. But when you count the amount of donations you will be able to collect, the time savings in member management and the elimination of manual errors, the investment pays off. Certainly there are free solutions. But beware, the reality is that nothing is free because any company must pay its rent, its employees, its costs… they too must be remunerated. Free systems will be either with advertising or based on a tip system. “Tipping is optional” but many donors do not like having this request, it makes them “drop out”. Other free systems take a commission on the amounts you collect. It can be very heavy. 

2- Take care of your web presence

Having a web presence is essential. Remember that the biggest donors are between 30 and 55 years old. This generation is on the computer or a mobile device all day. They are the ones you want to attract as new donors to ensure the sustainability of your funding. Here are some strategies to put in place:

– Develop a modern, clear website with a concise message about your organization and the cause it supports. 

– Work on your position on search engines such as Google: advertising (either paid, but also free) on google is essential. You can either benefit from the Google Grants program , or work on improving your natural referencing.

– Use social networks: it is imperative to have a presence on Facebook and Twitter to allow internet users to “follow” you or follow a cause they support or see the progress of a cause they have supported .

– Defend your role and your cause! Show donors precise results. If your donors can clearly understand what you’re doing with the money, they’re more likely to give. Transparency is essential. 

3- Carry out crowdfunding  fundraising campaigns that makes donors want to give

Often nonprofits tell us, “we already have an online donation page” or “we have already tried calls for donations. We have not collected more or almost nothing ”. But beware, creating a simple online donation page is not enough. Of course, this page must be of high quality, but we must attract Internet users to it and convince them to give. Incorporate real stories with images and videos into all your appeals to link a donor’s donation to the tangible impact of that donation. This is called creating an emotional connection with the donor. Create some sense of urgency by setting a deadline for the lift.

4- Create donation pages that facilitate donation

Make sure you are also using a good system so that your fans can give clearly and easily. If the payment system is too complex (redirect to another page, request for too much information or the creation of an account) there is no chance of donations in this case! 

At GiveCentral , the payment form is a small widget present on your online donation page, without changing the page and we ask for the minimum to ensure the payment and the tax receipt.

5- Give small symbolic rewards to “motivate” donors

Everyone loves to receive a small gift even when giving. An American study on the subject found that 75% of donors would give more if there was a small consideration! These can be mugs, T Shirts, pens, etc… Think for example of a gift for a certain amount of donation to motivate your fans. These gifts (also called rewards) encourage giving.

6- Thank and retain

ALWAYS, thank your donors . A study has revealed that some associations thank up to 7 times after a donation. Again, a donor management software can help you automate this communication. The idea of ​​giving thanks is simple. Giving without consideration is always difficult for a human being, thanking them gives a dimension of emotional enrichment. You will need to show your donors that they are important, that they “are” your organization and that you are sincerely grateful for their donation.

We are here to help you make your campaigns successful. Don’t hesitate to reach out if we can help!


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