Summer Fundraising Slowdown Solved

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Summer Fundraising Slowdown Solved

When you run a nonprofit organization that is often dependent on your donor’s generosity, you can’t just run one single campaign during the holiday season and hope to survive the year. You have to create opportunities throughout the year. Although summer fundraising is historically considered the slowest season, with GiveCentral you can use it to prepare for the influx of donations to come in the remaining months.

In addition, the summer season also offers your nonprofit a unique opportunity to focus on the activities you weren’t able to prioritize during busier giving seasons. 

Head Into The Summer With A New Tool For Success

Stay connected with your patrons as they disconnect for vacation season through SmartGive, a proven GiveCentral tool to beat the summer lull.


SmartGive is essential for summer administration, providing time-saving and optimized tools. Our handy email suite enables your team through pre-formatted templates, enhanced pledge appeals, and streamlined portal navigation for both you and your patrons.

  • More time in the Sand

Save your administration time through SmartGive’s express email templates. Send donors a reminder to complete failed transactions, rescheduled missed pledges, and set up new gifts.

  • Souvenirs of Compassion

Raise donation thresholds in the summer months with SmartGive tokens. SmartGive tokens securely remember past donation amounts and offer percentage-based increases, driving your pledge goals further.

ALSO READ: GiveCentral SmartGive Email Drives $290,000 in Pledges

  • No Vacation Frustrations

Remove typical digital barriers by providing a direct link, allowing donors to increase or create new gifts. Donors may also modify or re-instate past amounts easily by eliminating the need to login.

Learn more about exciting products that successful nonprofits and catholic charities use to power their fundraising. Request a demo


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