Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

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Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board for Good Governance

Nonprofits are not real people. Therefore, they require a set of reliable and qualified individuals to guide work through each phase. Fundraising for nonprofits includes major decision making that requires some experience. These individuals make up your nonprofit board and their primary duties include filing annual reports, selecting the Executive Director and ensuring adequate resources for the day-to-day functioning of organization.

Several times, there are newcomers among the existing board members. Although newcomers have unmatched enthusiasm and determination, they don’t always have enough knowledge to bring about real change. In this situation, the executive director and other board members help them understand their responsibilities better. Consequently, everyone can work together towards the betterment of the organization. In this article, we will be looking at some of the major responsibilities of a good board member. 

BONUS: The role of board members in your nonprofit fundraising

Strategic planning

Ensuring an effective organizational planning is one of the major responsibilities of a nonprofit board. The team makes sure there is enough time to come up with a plan that elevates the organization and to meet its goal. Other factors to consider while planning are a mission statement, current programs to staffing and financial situation. It is equally important to keep track of your progress. 

Arrange resources

Once the strategies are in place, it is upon the board members to arrange and deliver the resources needed for execution of plans. Making connections and generating funds by reaching out to potential donors and partners within their circle is one example. Moreover, providing sufficient resources is crucial to fulfilling the mission of the organization. 

Fulfill legal requirements

Unlike the common belief that nonprofits function in an environment of minimal regulations, nonprofit organizations have to meet multiple rules and regulations. There are state, federal and local laws that nonprofit board members have to be aware of. For example, there are penalties for overpaying the staff, failing to file the IRS File-990, overboard engagement in political activities, etc. 


This is not to imply that your board members have to be experts in the field of accounting, but they should have a clear idea of where the money is coming from and where it is going. Your nonprofit’s financial plan should be built post a consultation with your key stakeholders. Allow staff to share their opinion. The board makes way for a smooth functioning system by ensuring smooth flow of resources. 

Rightful selection of the Executive Director

Although the stakeholders play an important role in selecting the Executive Director, the final decision rests on the rest of the board members. Knowing what kind of leadership your nonprofit needs, makes the selection process better. Closely examine the process throughout and conduct in depth evaluation of performance. 


Your board members are the face of your organization. It is their responsibility to improve the reputation of your nonprofit publicly and embody the beliefs of your organization. Activities like fundraising for nonprofits, creating stronger bonds, communicating with your audience, managing the staff, overseeing all sorts of training and ensuring growth of the organization, all require a strong set of board members. When the staff and the board are on the same page, work gets a lot more productive and success draws closer.


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