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Newsletter Ideas & Tips for November 2020

Newsletter Ideas & Tips for November 2020

The nonprofit world is a world of possibilities. For instance, newsletters are an amazing way to get your message across and incorporate your product such as text-to-give into your communication. The great news is that you can even drive engagement via your newsletter by providing links and call to action buttons. GiveCentral believes that stronger bonds and connections can be made via newsletters, check out the few ways in which you can do so. 

Subject line matters

Numerous recipients of emails decide whether or not to open the email by reading the subject of the email, therefore it is very important that your subject line makes your audience want to open the email. There are different ways to frame your subject line around “fall”, “festivals” and “celebrations”.

  • Do happy kids make you fall in love?
  • Be a reason for someone’s celebration today
  • Spread happiness this festive season 

Newsletter around Thanksgiving Day

It is never bad to start off with a thank you. Since your theme is around Thanksgiving that falls on the 27th of November, you can send out newsletters thanking your donors for their support and then move on to selling your cause and how more people can be thankful because of them. This is that time of the year when families dine together and enjoy their turkey, however for nonprofit professionals, it is the time to focus on how you can match the vibe of the occasion to the message of your cause. It is also advisable to send out your Thanksgiving Day newsletter as early as possible. 

Tie your product to the occasion

Be it Thanksgiving or Black Friday that you want to frame your newsletter around, identify the occasion and then talk about your product. For example, you can pitch products and tools such as text-to-give, online and mobile giving. Since the world is currently focused on remote giving and social distancing, your product will have to be in alignment with the ongoing trend. Even if your product is a donor management software, make sure that you specify the benefits of your software in brief and provide links for demos and tutorials. 

Relevant updates

Providing updates is the very purpose of sending newsletters, nonprofit organizations need to make sure that the content of the communication is a relevant one. Your nonprofit might be writing great articles on the issues that are impacting the industry or you might even be running a social campaign that is doing great, make sure that your audience knows about your activities, display links and screenshots in your newsletter, use tempting visuals.

Time your newsletters

Set a specific interval of sending out your newsletters, never stop communicating. There are moments when you might be overdoing your communication or doing it too little, find a common ground and stick to that time and day. You can decide on the interval by looking at the response rates, the time and days when you’re getting more responses will become clearer to you. 

The busy time of the year for nonprofits has started and nonprofit professionals really need to have their tasks aligned and ready for execution. November is an ideal month to make use of email marketing to increase your sales. As a nonprofit, it is important to know what your organization has to offer to its audience, that’s how you can find inspiration and market your cause and tools better. 

Feel free to check out our other blog articles on doubling your donations through GiveCentral’s Text to give feature and 39 social media templates you need in November

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Last modified: November 18, 2020

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