Tag: email marketing

1 2 10 / 15 POSTS
How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

Is your organization making the most of its email list? When done right, email marketing has the power to substantially boost your nonprofit’s fundra ...
Taking Email Marketing a Step Further: 6 Tips for Nonprofits

Taking Email Marketing a Step Further: 6 Tips for Nonprofits

Email is one of the most important channels for nonprofit marketing as it’s one of the best ways to engage with your supporters in a one-to-one conve ...
How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

For a long time, carrying out an advertising campaign broadly meant paying for flyers, posters, etc., or for space on television, newspaper or on the ...
Transformational Fundraisers for Nonprofits: 5 Donor Outreach Ideas

Transformational Fundraisers for Nonprofits: 5 Donor Outreach Ideas

In simple terms, there are two ways to look at how you approach your donors. Transactional and transformational - transactional fundraising is when y ...
A Content Calendar For Your Fundraising Newsletters

A Content Calendar For Your Fundraising Newsletters

Here you are sitting in front of your computer, your contact list is ready and you now want to send a fundraising newsletter to your subscribers, but ...
How donor management tools help create better fundraisers

How donor management tools help create better fundraisers

A donor management software is like a CRM for nonprofits. It helps you measure the effectiveness of your fundraising campaigns with robust analysis a ...
Email marketing for nonprofits – Subject lines that boost open rates

Email marketing for nonprofits – Subject lines that boost open rates

Are you about to launch your email marketing campaign and want to improve your open rate? All good marketers know it! Choosing the subject of an e ...
10 Fun Facts To Inform Your Online Marketing Strategies

10 Fun Facts To Inform Your Online Marketing Strategies

We know it sounds likes extra work, but trust us. this helps. Here's a collection of fascinating online marketing statistics that are important ...
6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

6 Types of Content You Need to Create for Your Supporters

As you communicate on behalf of your nonprofit organization, it is of utmost importance that you know your audience thoroughly. This is simply the fi ...
Newsletter Ideas & Tips for November 2020

Newsletter Ideas & Tips for November 2020

The nonprofit world is a world of possibilities. For instance, newsletters are an amazing way to get your message across and incorporate your product ...
1 2 10 / 15 POSTS