Learning from past experiences is essential when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits. However, a lot of factors change over time and unless we keep a track of them, we are bound to fall short of our potential. A new study by Community Brands looks at donor expectations and experiences, trying to figure out how donor preferences are changing with time. With technological innovations thrown into the picture, new ways of giving have evolved and donors are responding to them with different levels of expectations. Knowing what their donors experience would help nonprofits to know where to improve themselves.
Here are some key findings from the report which could give you a fair idea on where the donor preferences are shifting.
Donation amount and familiarity with the nonprofit
Donors have a greater tendency to donate offline when the donation amount is high. Similar is the case when the nonprofit that they are making a donation to is an unfamiliar one. They usually prefer the offline mode of payment in such a scenario.
Age and Income
The study shows that younger and higher income donors have a greater likelihood of donating online. They are also likely to give more when giving online.
Mobile Giving
Mobile giving has made it really easy for donors to give. This statement has been re-emphasised by this study where it finds that almost 71 percent of donors have donated using a mobile device. Younger donors increasingly tend to make all their online contributions through a mobile device.
Event Experiences
Fundraising events have an attraction of their own when it comes to converting their attendees into donors. 78 percent of respondents have reported to feel somewhat or very engaged after attending an event. 63 percent of respondents say that they are quite likely to give after having a positive experience at an event.
Personalized follow-ups
Donors generally prefer personalized impact reports. More than twice as many respondents say that they prefer personalized content to generic ones.
These are some of the findings about donor expectations and experiences from the recent study. Successful fundraising for nonprofits would envisage studying from all the available data and staying ahead of the curve. Making the required adjustments after the learning would go a long way in helping you make the most out of all the opportunities at hand.
case study donor expectations Donors Fundraising for Nonprofits Mobile Giving Nonprofits study successful fundraising
Last modified: May 16, 2018