Tag: Donors

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The Importance Of Tracking Outcomes At Your Nonprofit

The Importance Of Tracking Outcomes At Your Nonprofit

A gap can be good in some situations, but it is not the best idea when it comes to tracking outcomes of your nonprofit's activities. Considering your ...
3 Ways You’re Holding Your Campaign Back Without Knowing It

3 Ways You’re Holding Your Campaign Back Without Knowing It

When you are in the throes of planning a capital campaign, you’re likely to focus on all the things you can control. You work on selecting a consulta ...
Words To Avoid In 2022 For Increased Charitable Giving

Words To Avoid In 2022 For Increased Charitable Giving

As the film composer John Powell rightly said “communication works for those who work at it”, communication is an art that must be perfected with tim ...
6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

6 Tips to Find New Donors in 2022

The bigger and more responsive your donor base is, the easier it is to raise all the money you need to fully fund your nonprofit’s budget. Finding ...
5 Giving Tuesday Email Examples We Love

5 Giving Tuesday Email Examples We Love

In 2020, a whopping $2.47 billion was donated to U.S. nonprofits by a reported 34.8 million people on GivingTuesday. Since 2012, this global event ha ...
5 Year-End Tips For Charitable Giving: Things to Know

5 Year-End Tips For Charitable Giving: Things to Know

In fundraising for nonprofits, advance planning is necessary in order to be successful. Charitable giving has to be planned for donors as well.  Nonp ...
How to Gain Support of Millennial Donors for Church

How to Gain Support of Millennial Donors for Church

Other than technology, churches that want to engage millennial donors are faced with the challenge of demonstrating the good work they do. The abilit ...
Fundraising tips: how to improve donor conversion rates

Fundraising tips: how to improve donor conversion rates

You work hard to show the important work your nonprofit does for the community. You send out newsletters, organize events, post on social media platf ...
5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

5 Fundraising Books Your Nonprofit Organization Must Read

Some of us learn by doing, some by listening, and others learn by reading. This list of must-read fundraising books is for those of us who learn thro ...
Ways to Boost Donor Retention with Social Media

Ways to Boost Donor Retention with Social Media

According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project, donor retention rates float around 45% or less. That means for every 100 new donors, 55 never ret ...
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