Tag: Nonprofits

1 2 3 4 10 / 33 POSTS
4 steps to making engaging nonprofit videos on a budget

4 steps to making engaging nonprofit videos on a budget

We all know by now, that videos are the future of marketing. Cisco figures bear witness to this: in 2020, video content alone would represent 84% of ...
Social media content ideas for November feast days, observances and holidays

Social media content ideas for November feast days, observances and holidays

While the digital transition is accelerating within nonprofits and faith-based charities, social networks are still essential levers for reaching don ...
Managing your (newly) remote nonprofit team during Covid

Managing your (newly) remote nonprofit team during Covid

The coronavirus outbreak has led us all to self-quarantine for some time, affecting people from all businesses. But the world needs the nonprofits mo ...
Top mistakes nonprofits make with annual appeals

Top mistakes nonprofits make with annual appeals

In good times and bad, we know that people give because you meet needs, not because you have needs. – Kay Sprinkel Grace People donate to you beca ...
Mega growth in Online Giving: trends driving the increase

Mega growth in Online Giving: trends driving the increase

We are sure you must have noticed a year on year increase in your online giving. According to the 2018 Charitable Giving report published by Blackbau ...
Is Amazon’s Prime Day good for your nonprofit?

Is Amazon’s Prime Day good for your nonprofit?

Amazon’s Prime Day is bigger than ever this year. With a full 48 hours of incredible prices slashes, the enormous customer base of Amazon is already ...
Lapsed donors: Why and how to regain them?

Lapsed donors: Why and how to regain them?

We have often encountered a particular question which we feel is the most prevalent in the landscape of nonprofits and fundraising. The question can t ...
Reconnecting with the community during the season of Lent

Reconnecting with the community during the season of Lent

.It’s that time of the year when nonprofits like churches start to focus on the season of Lent and everything that Lent entails. A period of reflectio ...
GiveCentral’s New Versatile Church Donor Management Software

GiveCentral’s New Versatile Church Donor Management Software

For nearly every church, we very well know that fundraisers rely upon spreadsheet or excel for all your data requirements. As a matter of fact, you a ...
How brands embraced 10-year challenge for the better cause

How brands embraced 10-year challenge for the better cause

The 10-year challenge is trending around the internet and is viral throughout social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The 10-y ...
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