Mobile Giving for Churches: How our keywords benefit you

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Mobile Giving for Churches: How our keywords benefit you

What are texting keywords?

Firstly, let’s take it back to basics and remind ourselves what a keyword is. When setting up a new Text Giving campaign with GiveCentral, you’ll be asked a series of questions – the first of which is to choose your keyword. When a supporter decides to donate, the keyword is the word that they’ll need to text in (e.g. CHRISTMAS), and the shortcode is the number that they need to send this text to (e.g. 90004). When creating a new campaign, each keyword-shortcode combination is totally unique and belongs exclusively to the church that registers this combination. In this article, we’ll take a look at the ways mobile giving for churches is made easier with text-to-give keywords and shortcodes. For more background on our system and custom keywords please visit

1. Staying Ahead of the Curve

When you register a new keyword with GiveCentral, this text campaign will belong to your account indefinitely. So, there’s certainly no harm in taking a look ahead in your fundraising calendar and registering keywords that you’ll require at a later date.

For instance, World Youth Day might be coming up in August, where the perfect keyword would be the cause itself – e.g. you might wish to register “YouthDay” or “YouthInAction” ahead of the upcoming month.

Further to this, it might be that your biggest campaign of the year launches at Christmas. If your festive fundraising has a similar theme each year, you might already know what keyword would be best to register. So, why not register it now, to ensure it’s ready for you to use later this year?

2. Planning Ahead for Events

Another way planning ahead might overlap with your Text Giving plans is when it comes to events.

Perhaps your charity has supporters hoping to take part in half-marathons or other sponsored activities later this year? If so, there will likely be relevant keywords that you’d like to ensure in order to form a simple fundraising CTA, perfect for the setting of an event.

Text CTAs work well on social media in the lead up to, and on the day of, a fundraising event taking place. 

3. Reducing Drop-offs

Nonprofit websites that are unoptimized for mobile, longer donation processes, longer page load time are a few such challenges that many charities still struggle with. To reduce drop-offs and reach out to more donors, you need a donation process that is:

  • Quick; it shortens the journey from showing interest to making a gift. 
  • Carried out over a channel people are comfortable with.

Text fundraising is the solution for that.   

For more background on our system and custom keywords please visit our resource page Text-to-Give Fundraising.


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