Did your nonprofit make any New Year’s resolutions for 2018? Here’s our suggestion, and it’s not too late to implement it: this year, resolve to strengthen your relationships with your donors. The easiest way to do that? A heartfelt thank you.
Your thank-you note can be as simple as a sincere email or as complex as a personalized card that includes photos of last year’s fundraising successes. One easy trick we like to recommend is simply including a brief thank-you note when you send donors their 2018 tax statements. The point is really just to do it. It’s a great way to start the new year right.
The future of giving
What does 2018 hold for nonprofits? That’s exactly what we’d like to find out—and we need your help. As a leader in the nonprofit fundraising industry, you know firsthand about the challenges and opportunities that you and your donors face. You could talk all day about giving levels, donor relations, and the increasing role of technology in fundraising. Would you help us out by taking our Insights on Giving survey?
The survey will take only a few minutes of your time, and will help us reveal valuable insights on the state of giving today, along with practical suggestions for improving fundraising tomorrow. You’ll receive a copy of our final report, which will help you craft a workable plan for a brand new year of fundraising—and beyond.
donor thank you donor thank you letter fundraising for nonoprofits future of giving Giving survey Giving survey 2018 how to say thank you to donor Insights on Giving survey nonprofit prediction survey Nonprofit survey 2018 thank donors nonprofit prediction survey
Last modified: January 16, 2018
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