Tag: donor thank you

1 2 10 / 12 POSTS
Improved Donor Relations: 4 Donor Management Best Practices

Improved Donor Relations: 4 Donor Management Best Practices

Donor management is many times synonymous to data management. It is all about keeping a record of donations and details of donors. Donor management t ...
[Guest Post] How to Boost Board Members’ Enthusiasm for Fundraising

[Guest Post] How to Boost Board Members’ Enthusiasm for Fundraising

Boards play an important role in an organizations’ success.  In multiple board studies, fundraising consistently ranks #1 among board areas that ...
5 Magic Words to Help Increase Charitable Donations

5 Magic Words to Help Increase Charitable Donations

Words can be the perfect icing on your already beautiful cake! Let's take a closer look at what you can do to keep those charitable donations co ...
Fundraising Resources: Sample Donor Thank You Messages

Fundraising Resources: Sample Donor Thank You Messages

Does your organization regularly launch donation campaigns to support your cause? Has someone close to you, a family member or a colleague made a don ...
6 Evergreen email templates for nonprofits

6 Evergreen email templates for nonprofits

You know it better than anyone, taking care of a nonprofit is a full-time commitment where action is the watchword! We count among these actions ...
10 simple methods to reduce friction in your giving process.

10 simple methods to reduce friction in your giving process.

One of the key findings of the 2019 MRBenchmarks study was that email fundraising dropped by a solid 8%. A drop in email revenue means a considerably ...
5 principles of donor communications – how to ask donations?

5 principles of donor communications – how to ask donations?

To talk to your donors and ask for donations is the most challenging step in your nonprofit fundraising cycle. You don’t necessarily need a professio ...
How to reach your nonprofit fundraising goals using social media

How to reach your nonprofit fundraising goals using social media

With 243.6 million social network users in the United States alone, its only natural to want to harness that power of community to improve your ...
5  year-end nonprofit fundraising mistakes to avoid

5 year-end nonprofit fundraising mistakes to avoid

We have been talking about things related to fundraising that can be done right and ways to do it right. In this article, let’s talk about the mistak ...
Reconnecting with the community during the season of Lent

Reconnecting with the community during the season of Lent

.It’s that time of the year when nonprofits like churches start to focus on the season of Lent and everything that Lent entails. A period of reflectio ...
1 2 10 / 12 POSTS