As the world wide web turns 30, GiveCentral shares top 5 ways technology has influenced online giving!
That internet has completely revolutionized philanthropy, is apparent. There are no logistical limitations anymore. Here are the top 5 ways...
6 Best practices to perfect your Text-to-Give campaign
There are a lot of nonprofit fundraising tools that will be taking the limelight this year. That being said, let us look at and emphasize...
Five last minute Christmas fundraising ideas for your nonprofit
Christmas is all about holidays, celebration, family, bonding, giving and positive vibes. Yet for nonprofits, this season is all about...
Essentials that every nonprofit must know about mobile giving
Mobile giving has been increasing exponentially over time. A survey shows that it has increased by 80 percent since 2013. More and more...
GiveCentral Connect: Best App to Give Online Donations
“If you need to raise funds from donors, you need to study them, respect them, and build everything you do around them.” – Jeff...
Text to Give: Fundraising that’s as easy as sending a text
By 2018, mobile devices will account for 57% of all internet traffic. And in the past one year, mobile giving donations have increased by...
What nonprofits need to know about mobile fundraising.
At a time when almost every industry seems to be embracing the technological changes to remain relevant, there is no reason why nonprofits...
Fundraising for Nonprofits: Text to Donate
In today’s world, there is a lot of competition in the nonprofit space. With a lot of organizations vying for the limited attention and...