It’s that time of the year when nonprofits like churches start to focus on the season of Lent and everything that Lent entails. A period of reflection and re-engagement, it is a time to commit to fasting and to look at what changes we might make in our lives. For some, it is a time to give up luxuries in order to move away from what can be “excess” and focus on what is most important.
Observers of Lent reflect on their lives and concentrate on reforming different aspect of their lives. As a nonprofit, it is an exceptional time to reconnect with your communities and donors. In this article, we would like to focus on Lent season as a time to strengthen bonds with your supporters.
This season can prove to be an ideal time to organize small events that stand for minimalism. You can organize a get together with small groups which focus on stories and personal experiences. If you ask members of your community, Lenten season might just be their favourite time for silent observance and reflecting on the future. It is not only an opportunity to strengthen bonds, but can also be your chance to expand and build your community.
The season of Lent is a wonderful time to focus on engagement rather than asking, talk and listen to your community. Learn to give them their own space, show them visible results and educate them about your community and your mission.
Be genuine. Let them know about what is working and where there are challenges. This would increase your approachability.
Keeping up the spirit of Lent, you can reach out to your community through email, thanking them and inviting them to help with volunteer opportunities. Very often, this is the time when many people become more involved with the Church, so it’s an excellent idea to focus on the spiritual front and nourish those connections and turn them into long-term relationships.
GiveCentral offers services such as texting tools and other communication tools that can be used to reach out to your community. These tools can let “new” visitors let you know that they wish to be more engaged. They also allow for easy engagement and follow up.
Lent is a special time of grace in the Church and as parish communicators, we can support and foster our parishioners and visitors in their desire to grow in holiness through inspiring and welcoming images, thoughtful reflections and links to meaningful content. Preplan your Lenten online communications.
As others approach you to share their sacrifice, below are a few that you might offer:
- Take the time to set up online giving, it is easy to do and will help you give consistently throughout the year.
- Set a prayer reminder and pray every day.
- Start a daily Lenten reflection through the Inspire Daily button.
- Start weekly and offer acts of kindness — you’re guaranteed to complete Lent feeling lighter and ready to celebrate the spring season
Check out our latest blog on 6 Ways Parishes Can Inspire Giving this Lent Season
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Last modified: February 24, 2025