Choosing The Top Google Keywords For Nonprofits

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Choosing The Top Google Keywords For Nonprofits

Search Engine Optimization or more commonly, SEO for nonprofits can feel confusing for non-experts.  But in a sector that increasingly relies on digital outreach, optimized campaign pages are more important than ever. In our previous post we talked about some tips on how to pick the right keywords for your nonprofit.  

In this post we will look at another interesting strategy to effectively kickstart your SEO efforts.  We will see how you can pick Google keywords for nonprofits that form a necessary link between what potential supporters want to know and what your content has to offer. Using these two resources, we will be able to garner more traffic for your fundraising campaigns and strive to accomplish your goals.

How Do You Pick The Top Google KEYWORDS for Your Nonprofit?

Use your intuition!

In terms of natural referencing online, keywords and key expressions are at the center of the web editor’s problem. Choosing them well means ensuring effective positioning in search engine results. Do you think you have to use complicated tools to find the most relevant keywords and increase the traffic of your sites? Not always!

How does your intuition help you find the best keywords?

When you are just starting out with optimizing your website content for search engines, the best way to find the keywords and key phrases for your website is your intuition! As a web user, you can imagine what key queries would lead you to your own website. How would you search for your product on the internet and with what keywords? Put yourself in the shoes of users to find ideas for keywords and key phrases to position in search engines. List your term ideas and finds in a data table so you don’t miss a thing. Then expand your keywords looking for synonyms of your key query, related terms, geographical variations if you are present in several places. You will be able to position your ideas in the content of websites. It’s a great starting point. SEO tools can help you build on this knowledge. 

This strategy also comes in handy when you are revising your SEO strategy to get more traffic on your website. 

But not all keywords and key phrases are created equal in SEO web writing. You can check their search volume and sort them using useful SEO analysis tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest or Semrush. This will help you identify how often keywords and keyword phrases are searched on Google and how competitive they are in the SERP results. Using an analysis tool will allow you to validate the keywords and keyphrases in your list of ideas.

Why should a web editor understand Internet users to find his keywords?

To go further in your marketing and SEO strategy, establish the list of products and services that you offer on your website. Then ask yourself what problems the Internet users to whom your offer addresses may have: put yourself in the shoes of a Google user.

You can also use the competition to understand their traffic and writing strategy. See what information your articles bring to Internet users and try to stand out from this competition. Then, you will be able to find content in a consistent semantic field with the other pages. And since users mostly enter long-tail queries in the search line on Google, using them for your online content will be good for your SEO.

Use your keywords to position relevant content

In SEO web writing, the choice of keywords and key phrases gives you information on the orientation that the content pages and articles of your website should take. 

At the end of the day, always remember that you are writing for a busy reader whose attention may be divided. Be sure to avoid: 

  • Repeating the same words or phrases
  • Add content that is not relevant to the theme of the page/ blog post just to increase the word length
  • Using irrelevant keywords, just because the search volume is high on those keywords

Identify your nonprofit’s high-value keywords by looking at the search terms that are most relevant to your organization and potential supporters.


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