Tag: Mobile Giving

1 5 6 7 8 70 / 76 POSTS
5 Great features of GiveCentral’s donation tracking software

5 Great features of GiveCentral’s donation tracking software

Nonprofits have a lot of things to manage. The campaign strategy, building donor relationships, pitching for donations, keeping a track on funds, mark ...
What do the recent online giving trends say?

What do the recent online giving trends say?

With almost $390 billion being raised online as charitable donations in 2016, the importance of online giving is all too evident. The benefits of onli ...
5 Fundraising event trends: Predictions for 2018

5 Fundraising event trends: Predictions for 2018

As the year 2017 has gone by, it is time for us to reflect on our mistakes and look at all the bright spots. Learn from your experience to be able to ...
#GivingTuesday 2017: Breaking past online giving records

#GivingTuesday 2017: Breaking past online giving records

Online giving and GivingTuesday : What do the numbers say? This #GivingTuesday seems to have broken all past nonprofit fundraising records and put up ...
10 reasons to start a donation drive in December

10 reasons to start a donation drive in December

Take advantage of our new features and giving apps to launch your end-of-year campaign. As the holidays approach, we  are more generous than ...
Tips to increase your donations and market your cause

Tips to increase your donations and market your cause

Donations are the support system that takes a nonprofit to a successful accomplishment. It now matters how big or small your mission campaign is, with ...
Steps for safer online giving experience

Steps for safer online giving experience

Donating money to your intended cause has never been easier. There was a time when you could donate money only when someone representing the cause cam ...
How to evaluate your online giving solutions

How to evaluate your online giving solutions

Every year we get a little close to going digital. Just think of it – media is digital, cameras are digital and so is the retail. According to the mo ...
8 Fundraising email strategies to drive high response rates

8 Fundraising email strategies to drive high response rates

Your non-profit engages in email marketing and the first thing you do is send an email to your supporter and potential donor appealing to them to come ...
What makes GiveCentral different from other fundraising apps?

What makes GiveCentral different from other fundraising apps?

As a non-profit organization you have three main objectives – raise funds, build lasting relationship with your donors  and do that efficiently. ...
1 5 6 7 8 70 / 76 POSTS