Tag: fundraising campaigns

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How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

How Email Marketing Can Improve Nonprofit Fundraising

Is your organization making the most of its email list? When done right, email marketing has the power to substantially boost your nonprofit’s fundra ...
How to Create Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Videos

How to Create Successful Nonprofit Fundraising Videos

This article is written by Doug Scott from Tectonic Video. Videos are a powerful fundraising tool that can be used to connect with potential suppo ...
How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

How Nonprofits Can Advertise A Fundraising Campaign: Tips For Success

For a long time, carrying out an advertising campaign broadly meant paying for flyers, posters, etc., or for space on television, newspaper or on the ...
Key Benefits Of Focusing On Donor Experience For Nonprofits

Key Benefits Of Focusing On Donor Experience For Nonprofits

It sometimes becomes common for nonprofit organizations to depend on the generosity of like-minded donors when it comes to charitable giving. However ...
Charitable Giving: Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Father’s Day

Charitable Giving: Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Father’s Day

There are thousands of reasons to generate charitable giving and raise funds. From helping individuals cover their educational or medical expenses to ...
6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

6 Year-Round Fundraising Ideas to Drive You to Success

Your organization’s most recent fundraising campaign may have ended, but that doesn’t mean that your efforts to motivate your donors need to slow dow ...
[Guest Post] Asking for Major Gifts: 4 Tips for Fundraisers

[Guest Post] Asking for Major Gifts: 4 Tips for Fundraisers

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you are undoubtedly well aware of the importance of major gifts. The statistics speak for themselves—in the ...
Examples Of Best Christmas Fundraising Campaigns

Examples Of Best Christmas Fundraising Campaigns

A huge part of yearly donations come from holiday fundraising and nearly one-third (31%) of annual giving happens in December. The time between Chris ...
5 Last-minute Ideas For Your Holiday Fundraising Campaign

5 Last-minute Ideas For Your Holiday Fundraising Campaign

With over 25% of annual donations made during the month of December, there's no doubt it's a busy time for organizations like yours. Did you know tha ...
Fundraising for Nonprofits: Preparing for Mid-Year Reviews

Fundraising for Nonprofits: Preparing for Mid-Year Reviews

Campaign performance reviews are important in all sectors of the business world. Fundraising for nonprofits also requires organization heads and team ...
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