Tag: Donors

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Nonprofit Fundraising: How to reach modern donors in 7 steps.

Nonprofit Fundraising: How to reach modern donors in 7 steps.

The methods used for nonprofit fundraising have evolved from time to time, the generation of today’s modern donors think differently than the givers t ...
How to turn your nonprofit volunteers into donors?

How to turn your nonprofit volunteers into donors?

Your volunteers are a major contributing force for your nonprofit. Most things that you set out to achieve are made possible because of their relentl ...
What are the benefits of social media for nonprofits?

What are the benefits of social media for nonprofits?

Like any other business, you want to put your products (causes, fundraising events and outlets) in front of people that matter (prospect donors in our ...
4 Things to remember for a successful nonprofit fundraising campaign

4 Things to remember for a successful nonprofit fundraising campaign

Americans gave $410 billion to charities in 2017, which is an increase of 5% compared to the previous year. Even though the amount of giving is increa ...
Proven strategies to get more donors to your website

Proven strategies to get more donors to your website

The growth of online giving has outpaced the growth of overall giving in the recent past. This trend is expected to continue for sometime to come. Wha ...
Essentials that every nonprofit must know about mobile giving

Essentials that every nonprofit must know about mobile giving

Mobile giving has been increasing exponentially over time. A survey shows that it has increased by 80 percent since 2013. More and more people are don ...
How to improve recurring giving for your nonprofit

How to improve recurring giving for your nonprofit

When it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, gaining new donors is always a tough ask. An easier thing to do is to get regular support from the ones w ...
How to fundraise across multiple channels

How to fundraise across multiple channels

Your donors are all different. Some prefer pasta, while others love steak. Some are always on Facebook, while others never touch social media. What d ...
Raise more funds with our community and GiveCentral support

Raise more funds with our community and GiveCentral support

You don't have to go it alone. Master the art of fundraising and get the most out of your donor management software. Learn and grow with GiveCentral s ...
What do recent studies on donor expectations and experiences tell us

What do recent studies on donor expectations and experiences tell us

Learning from past experiences is essential when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits. However, a lot of factors change over time and unless we keep ...
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