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Written by 7:10 am Nonprofit Fundraising, Nonprofit Marketing

Proven strategies to get more donors to your website

Proven Strategies to get more donors to your website

The growth of online giving has outpaced the growth of overall giving in the recent past. This trend is expected to continue for sometime to come. What this means is that the share of online giving has been increasing at an exponential pace. Not tapping into it and allowing your donors this option would mean losing out on a lot of funds. When it comes to fundraising for nonprofits​, it is imperative in this day and age to keep your donors at the centre of all your efforts and take steps to make it as easy as possible for them. Getting more donors to visit your website would entail getting more people interested in your cause.

Here are a few proven strategies which could help you to get more donors to your website.

Make it easy
People usually don’t have the time to undertake a long process to make a donation. The easier you make the donation process and the less number of steps involved in it, the more is the amount of donations set to come in. Speed and donor convenience is essential ​to get a high number of hits on your website.

Go mobile
These days people access most of their information and make transactions on their mobile devices. Making your website mobile friendly would reap some rich dividends. It would not only save people’s time by allowing them to access everything on the go but it would also make the entire process extremely smooth and efficient. You could seek the services of a tool like GiveCentral to help you out. With their mobile app, features like Text to Give and Text to Connect they could make it pretty seamless for you. Their pos device could help you to receive donations physically, during events.

Focus on the content
The content on your website is going to largely determine how much time people would spend on it and how interested they are going to be about your campaign. Share some stories about the good work you have done in the past to catch the attention of your viewer. Make extensive use of pictures and graphics. Keep the design of your website as viewer friendly as possible.

Social Media Marketing
Social media is an avenue where you could meet a lot of potential donors. It is a high impact and low cost way of showcasing what your nonprofit stands for. You could keep people informed about your various activities and how you have been successful in bringing a difference. Once people begin to connect with your messages they would not
only visit your website and try to know more about you but would also support your cause. Social media marketing is an essential, these days, for a successful fundraising for nonprofits​.

These are a few ways to attract new people and retain the existing supporters of your nonprofit. It can’t be emphasised enough that the easier you make it for your donors, the more would be the amount of support that you receive.

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Last modified: July 6, 2018

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