There have been tremendous advances in nonprofit fundraising, thanks to the development in technology and the huge impact of the internet. From elder to the younger generation, most of the things that we do today is influenced by trends on the internet; this has proved the internet to be one of the major influencers. The not for profit world is evolving with the same swiftness too, modern fundraising methods are being shared and adopted, mobile giving is an apt example. All in all, there is just so much positive growth taking place. In this post we will be examining some of the most popular fundraising trends 2019.
Firstly, for your fundraising plan to work, you need to feel confident about the process you’ve chosen. In order to decide on the trend that’s best for your fundraising, you need to be well aware of what is going on around you; it’s all about keeping up with the trends that are being followed most. GiveCentral has just made your job easier by listing out fundraising trends that are expected be most popular this year; read on for expert opinions from the most trusted nonprofit leaders
Gail Perry
“Major gift fundraising will continue its popularity because this is where the big money is. Major gifts deliver the biggest return for the effort that a fundraiser puts in. Major gift fundraising is the most efficient – and the most effective way for an organization to fund its mission. The economic boom of the past few years has created a lot of wealth in the US and Canada. Many wealthy individuals are passionate about causes, and are making significant investments in their favorite organizations. Just look at all the mega capital campaigns that universities are running these days – those huge campaigns are all funded through major gifts. We are looking at what we might call the “Golden Age of Major Gift Fundraising” in the coming years.”
Gail Perry is an author, coach and keynote speaker who has been listed among America’s top 10 Fundraising expert. She currently serves as the president at Fired Up Fundraising.
Julia Campbell
“Livestream fundraising via gaming platforms like Twitch will become forces to reckon with, especially when paired with software platforms like Tiltify and . Twitch launched in 2011 and is comparable to sites like YouTube or Vimeo, except that it focuses exclusively on live video. 15 million users tune in to watch an average of 1.5 hours of Twitch live streams each day., and the site claims that over $75 million has been raised for charity. During Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, the Seize the Awkward campaign ran a three-day Twitch event to raise funds for their mental health work.”
Julia Campbell is the founder of J Campbell Social Media Marketing. A renowned Nonprofit Social Media & Digital Storyteller, she is also an excellent author.
Amy Eisenstein
“There’s a major shift happening with Capital Campaigns and how nonprofit professionals can approach campaigns. For the first time, you no longer need to depend on a campaign consultant. The trend is following a change taking place in all professions (think TurboTax for accountants, LegalZoom for lawyers, and WebMD for doctors). Nonprofit professionals can now take charge of their own campaigns and only use consultants where and when they will be most valuable, not from start to finish as in the past.”
Amy is a consultant, speaker, author, and fundraising coach.
Patrick Coleman

“There are many trends that are important this year, and some will be a continuation of trends from last year. One emerging trend that I would look out for is video storytelling – strong content, simple straightforward outreach (skip the special effects) which speaks directly about your cause. I also feel strongly that nonprofits this year should also make it a trend to listen better; listen before planning and definitely before executing. What do your donors look for? What do they say about your existing fundraising methods? Why is your message important? Why is your need a priority? Let your base be authentic and work everything up from there.”
Patrick Coleman is the CEO at GiveCentral, an online fundraising platform.
Asif Talukdar
“One on One Fundraising – Charities will need to develop personal one on one relationships with their donors in an effort to increase their visibility and build lasting relationships.
More Transparency – Donors are demanding a better way to understand where their donations are going and how impactful they are. This will increase stakeholdership.
Community Building – Organizations will need to create communities that offer first hand shared experiences of their mission through volunteer events, social media platforms, and communication tools.”
A great planner and thinker, Asif is the founder of goodLinc.
To add to these trends, there is also a rise in popularity of corporate giving and matching donations. Talking of youth donors who make up a huge part of the donor population today, attractive visuals combined with going mobile is what engages Gen Z and millenials altogether.
It is important to remember that authenticity is that one factor which will best impress your donors, be genuine with the imagery you form of your nonprofit and your causes. Here’s to a great fundraising year!
fundraising plan fundraising trends GiveCentral nonprofit fundraising online fundraising platform
Last modified: January 24, 2019