Nonprofit Fundraising: How each generation gives

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Nonprofit Fundraising: How each generation gives

Nonprofit fundraising is picking up year on year. But this rise is not homogeneous across all age groups. It varies a lot depending on the generation and the habits specific to it. Broadly, the four generations that we will be discussing about are:

  • Millennials (born 1981-1996)
  • Generation X (born 1965-1980)
  • Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)
  • Greatest Generation (aged 75+)

The Greatest Generation has the highest proportion of people who give and the largest annual average in terms of donations. But it is the Millennials who rank way ahead of other generations, when it comes to adoption of online donation platforms like crowdfunding.

Refer to the infographic below which highlights some key online donation facts across generations.

Infographic online donation facts across generations

Millennials are the largest among the four generations and also represent the future. They have a much higher uptake of online fundraising tools. With 84% of them giving to charity, they are slowly making United States way more charitable. Nonprofits need to keep this in mind while framing their fundraising strategies in times to come.


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