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Written by 5:42 am Ideas, Nonprofits

The importance of landing pages for your nonprofit

Landing Page for nonprofit

Your website serves as the window to your nonprofit. It serves to give the first impression to your potential donors. It not only serves as an essential element in representing your campaign but also connects you with different people and helps in driving up donations. Landing pages serve as the centre piece of it all when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits. All the traffic that comes to your website doesn’t always translate into conversions. This is where landing pages pitch in. They are usually simple, to the point and ask the visitors to take a specific action to drive up your conversion rates. People usually come to them from a variety of places like social media, search engines, email messages and blog posts.

Here are the things you should keep in mind to use your landing pages to make the most out of all the opportunities out there.

Optimization for mobile devices

Given the amount of time people spend on their mobile devices and the range of activities that they engage themselves in, it goes without saying that your nonprofit shouldn’t leave this avenue out of its fundraising strategy. Data says that mobile giving has increased by 205 per cent in the past year alone. This must be reason enough to optimize your landing pages for mobile devices and make the most out of it all.

Keep it simple

Keeping it simple and utilizing a clean design on your landing pages would go on to maximize your conversion rates. The idea should be not to overwhelm your visitors and give them a direct call to action. Reduce the barriers of various tabs, navigation buttons or clicks that could distract your visitors from the purpose of your landing pages.

Have a creative and strong headline

Your headline could act as an attraction to your potential donors. Use it well to give a boost to your landing page content and drive your conversion rates. Most people just end up reading the headline and therefore it should clearly say what your landing page is about.

These are a few things that you should follow while creating a really impactful landing page which would go on to drive donations for your nonprofit. Keeping your donors in mind is the key when it comes to fundraising for nonprofits. Create a great mobile friendly landing page for your donors and keep the whole fundraising exercise as smooth and seamless as possible.

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Last modified: May 24, 2018

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