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How AI Tools are best for fundraising? GC Smart Give

In a field where every second counts, you should make the most of all the tools you have to help you complete your task. However, have you thought about how artificial intelligence (AI) might help your online fundraising efforts?

How AI Tools are best for fundraising? GC Smart Give

How AI Tools are best for fundraising? GC Smart Give


You might have, but you might not know how to put it into action. A report from 2024 called the Fundraising Outlook Report showed that 32% of groups said they weren’t sure how to use AI in their work. This blog is for you if you’ve thought about using AI in your business but don’t know where to begin.

If you want to save time, build stronger relationships with donors, and make more money for your nonprofit, here are the ten best ways to start using AI in your daily work.

Insights into Prediction

You might be surprised at how much more money you can get if you run your efforts when people are willing to give. AI makes it easy to quickly look at online donor data about past donations and can help you choose the best time to run a campaign. This guess about how donors will act and what they like helps you keep your engagement plans effective and on time.

For example, if your audience is more giving in the spring or fall, you might want to time your signature event for when people are most interested in it.

Splitting up Based on information from donors

Sorting through donor information to set up your projects can take a lot of time away from your team. GiveCentral’s AI can help you divide your donor data into groups based on location, age, and giving past or preference. This will help you better target your messages to these groups.

It can also help you keep donors by sending them texts that are tailored to the way they usually donate. For instance, you should use different words to appeal to people who give once a year versus people who give every month. To improve your chances of success, AI can help you write these texts.

Personalization on a Large Scale

Donors always want to know that their money and time are appreciated and that their work is making a difference. It’s very important to let your online donors know how much you appreciate them. Donors who feel appreciated are more likely to give again in the future.

Even though your team probably can’t personally thank every donor, AI makes it possible to tailor messages to large groups of people. Every giver will feel like they are being valued as an individual if you use AI to personalize your messages on a large scale. AI takes away the work of personalizing a lot of things for your administrative team, and it also makes it easy for you and your fans to trust each other.

Making graphics or logos

It can be hard to come up with the right logo or graphic for your upcoming fundraiser if no one on your team knows much about it. Instead of getting a freelancer or making a staff member do the design work, you can use AI to help you. You could help build your business with a tool like Canva.

With AI’s help, it only takes seconds to make a logo or image that stands out to promote your next campaign. Let it know what your company’s image and colors are so it has something to work with. Keep changing your images until you get one that’s good to go. Then you’re done!

Text Generation That Saves Time

Sometimes putting pen to paper (or hands to computer) is the last thing on your mind because you have so many other things to do. It can be hard to come up with dynamic and interesting messaging for all of your material. AI can help your online donation process with this!

AI tools that generate text can help you quickly write useful messages in a matter of seconds. Whether it’s an email or a description of a sale item, AI can help you get donors interested by writing messages that stand out. Before sending the content, make sure to read it over to make sure it fits with the voice and tone of your business!

Better understanding of donors

When you know what your donors want, it’s easier to plan events and projects that meet their needs and interests. AI can help you look at the data you collect to give you more information about what drives donors and how they interact with your content. This will help you make better decisions about your fundraising efforts.

For instance, if there is more online donation in the winter and more in person in the summer, you now have a general idea of how to make a fundraising calendar for the whole year. Using AI makes it easy to make a fundraising campaign plan that works well and has an impact.

Social media that works

For nonprofits, being active and responsive on social media is important because it could be how a possible donor first learns about your work. But making sure you always post fun, interesting things can be hard, and keeping up with the latest trends makes it even harder.

With AI, your group can quickly come up with and schedule interesting and useful content for your donors. With text generation and a post scheduler, you can keep your fans interested in your work all the time.

Changes to old content

Not sure if you want to let AI write content for you? If you’re a writer, AI can still help you in ways other than making content. Who wouldn’t want a professional writer to look over their work, right? Using AI to review the content you write can save you time and help you find mistakes that a person might have missed.

For instance, once you’ve gathered the grant materials and written the proposal, you can have an AI editor like Grammarly scan it all over again to see if you missed anything and maybe even suggest ways to improve your writing even more. Get a professional editor to help you with your grant applications, and they will fly! You’ll get the money quickly!

Volunteer management has been streamlined.

Donors are what keep your work going. You may have helpers, but have you ever had trouble matching their skills with the right job? With AI, you can make it easier for people to volunteer by streamlining your forms and filtering for specific tasks. Then, you can match volunteers with projects that are a natural fit for them. This will save you time from having to read them all by hand, and it will also let your helpers work on a project that interests them. This ensures everyone works in the online donation work efficiently!

Come up with ideas

Not sure how to change up the fundraiser plans for this year? AI is a great way to come up with new ideas and work on projects you may already be working on, even if you don’t feel safe using it to create content or organize things in your business.

With your yearly goals in mind, give your campaign plan to an AI tool. It might help you reach your goal by giving you new ideas you haven’t thought of before.

In conclusion, AI has powerful tools that can help you get back time to work on your goal. In a field where every second counts, this extra time is very valuable. Gaining knowledge about how to use AI can help you raise more money and connect with donors in a whole new way.

As you look for new tech tools, you might want to think about getting an all-in-one fundraising site like GiveCentral. The powerful program for raising money has AI built in, which helps you do more for your cause.


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