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Written by 2:57 pm Pastoral Notes

Who Do You Say I Am? Understanding Jesus in Today’s World

Who Do You Say I Am? Understanding Jesus in Today’s World
Who Do You Say I Am? Understanding Jesus in Today’s World

Jesus asks this question of his apostles in today’s reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel. If the question was relevant in Jesus’ own time, it remains quite relevant today, albeit for different reasons. Today people do not speculate about whether Jesus was one of the Old Testament prophets returned from of old. Rather, many question what we know about Jesus historically, or how the teaching of the Church over the centuries effects what we truly know about him. In a secularized world, many approach Jesus with skepticism. Yet, just as with the apostles and so now it is in the encounter with Jesus that his reality is known! Through prayer, the scriptures, the sacraments, and the living community of the Church people can come to know who Jesus is, and be able to say with Peter, “you are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God.”

Call to action: It is worth our consideration to recall that when the first disciples ask Jesus where he lives, his response is “come and see.” We come to know Jesus not only by a set of propositions, but even more by following him in his way of life. Please notice that Jesus’ response is an invitation, a call, a welcoming into his way of living and being. This is our model for evangelization and explains why this spirit of invitation and welcome is so vital to the life of the Church today. Next weekend, Labor Day Weekend, represents the traditional “end of summer,” and the start of the full calendar of fall activities. Use your GC Smart Tools to register new families by text or QR codes and use your GC Smart Tools to reach out to families and households by text or email. You can inform them about life in your parish community and invite them to “come and see.”

Pastoral Action Points

  1. Make a “moment of welcome” a regular part of your liturgies. This could be done at the very beginning of mass, after the homily, or before the dismissal. Even in very large parishes people long to be known by name. Have your “Welcome” ministers or Pastoral Council members reach out to new or returning parishioners.
  2. If you are participating in GiveCentral’s 20 for 20 campaign, please remember that increasing engagement is as important as increasing giving. In fact, increased engagement always leads to increased giving! Use your GC Smart Tools to invite your parishioners to gatherings, ministries, and activities.
  3. Honor human labor as a participation in God’s own acts of creation. It is sacred!
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Last modified: August 11, 2024

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