Time is money : Understanding your nonprofits
The words of Benjamin Franklin –“Time is Money” – are particularly apropos for nonprofit organizations. There never...
Time Will Tell:Fundraising Study Shares Nonprofit Insights
Put yourself in your donor’s shoes. The frenzy of the morning rush. Workdays packed with meetings and deadlines. Add to that the...
Would you like a larger slice of the charitable giving pie?
Giving Grows, but Religious Donations Still Slide Great news for nonprofits was just released this week: donations grew in 2014! According...
Integrate offline and online giving for fundraising success
We’re living in a time of nearly unparalleled technical innovation. Software and devices that would have seemed unthinkable 5 or 10...
‘Tis the season for giving
Holiday Giving ‘Tis the Season for Donations While Christmas is still more then seven weeks away, a trip to the mall or a dial of the...