GiveCentral Blogs

Tag: donation page

Guest Post Views: 2

What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About Payment Processing

This has been a crazy year to say the least. Nonprofits had to pivot their usual fundraising strategies and come up with new ideas to...

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Nonprofit Fundraising Views: 0

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising For Nonprofits: All Need To Know

Peer-to-peer fundraising for nonprofits is a powerful fundraising strategy for any cause. This specific form of crowdfunding is basically a...

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Case Studies Views: 0

Online Giving Helps Parish Raise $91,061 In 2 Months

Even as in-person events and activities were canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, our partner GiveCentral locations raised thousands...

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Covid Fundraising Views: 0

Fundraising email best practices to drive donations: a success story

How Sacred Hearts and St. Stephen Church raised $47,987 in 3 months by sending emails. SACRED HEARTS & ST. STEPHEN CHURCH, Brooklyn...

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Covid Fundraising Views: 0

Nonprofit Success Story: How St. Martin dePorres raised $20000 in 3 months!

When St. Martin dePorres (Brooklyn) wanted to lift donations during COVID-19 they focused on their website effectiveness. This helped them...

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Guest Post Views: 0

7 Mobile Trends to Boost Nonprofit Fundraising in 2020

As a nonprofit professional, you’re probably well-versed in fundraising best practices. But how much do you know about mobile...

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Mobile Giving Views: 0

Nonprofit Fundraising simplified with GiveCentral’s mobile giving

It is true that smartphones are now everywhere. It is said that only 35% of Americans owned a smartphone in the year 2011, six years down...

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Nonprofit Fundraising Views: 1

5 magic words to help your online fundraising donations

Whether you are organizing a big fundraising event or sending a newsletter to your community, every step towards raising donations for your...

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Best PracticesTips Views: 1

Donation forms that CONVERT: tips and best practices

Imagine working tirelessly to reach your fundraising goals. You prepared a fundraising plan, promoted your cause everywhere, even reached...

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Nonprofit DonationsTips Views: 0

4 Tips to design your nonprofit donation page

When it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, donation pages play a really important role. They are a stepping stone for your long term...

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