Pastoral Reflection

In the 1st reading for today we see that poor Job, who has suffered so many problems and deprivations, is tempted to despair. How often have the people in our pews been tempted to despair when life takes hard turns, or when the choices we make turn out to be the wrong ones? Yet, God is the God who “heals the brokenhearted,” as the Psalmist reminds us. In the gospel we see that Jesus, once again, confronts the evil and the effects of evil that afflict God’s people. He is there to heal. He is there to save. He is there to restore the goodness His Father intended for the human person. He is the light of the world who drives out the darkness, who converts the shadows into places of light. He lifts us from what oppresses us just as surely as he lifted Peter’s mother-in-law when he took her hand.
Call to action: Very often in Church we are admonishing people to avoid sin and evil. They do need to be taught and formed, and they do need the reminder to avoid sin. But the Church must also be a place where they can come to be healed, where they can cast their cares upon Him who cares for them and be lifted up – just like Peter’s mother-in-law. Use this year of Eucharistic education to hold special moments of adoration for the purpose of healing. Acknowledge the pains and hardships, physical, mental, and spiritual, that your people endure. Use your GC Smart Tools to invite and remind people of these Eucharistic events. You can email them, send a broadcast text, or even use direct mail to reach all your parishioners.
Pastoral Action Points
- Plan some Eucharistic events, like Holy Hours or Benedictions where your people can come and venerate the Lord in His sacramental presence. Make them times of healing and hope for people who are carrying burdens in their hearts.
- Lent is coming in two weeks! We have GiveCentral pew cards, emails, and direct mail templates available for you to customize and use. You can find them in your Communications Portal. If you need assistance with the Communications Portal, or would like some training on these features, please email
- Our monthly monitor is a very powerful tool that you can use to help enhance engagement and increase giving for your location. The report can currently be found in your admin dashboard or click the link to check out your Monthly Monitor today!
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Last modified: August 9, 2024