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Guided by the Light: Preparing Our Hearts for the Journey of FaithPastoral Reflection

Guided by the Light: Preparing Our Hearts for the Journey of Faith
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Guided by the Light: Preparing Our Hearts for the Journey of Faith

These few short weeks after the Epiphany and before Lent are a time of recognizing Christ as the light of the world. The light not only illuminates our path, but also beckons us to follow where it leads.

In today’s gospel passage from St. John, we see the first of those who are drawn to Jesus, the Christ, the Light of the world. They ask where he dwells (that alone is loaded with meaning), and he answers them with a call to follow him. To come and see. Thus, to follow the light, to walk with Jesus is the first act of discipleship.

The journey will be rigorous, and it will lead, inevitably, to Calvary’s hill. But it is only in that act of following – even to Calvary – that the Glory of God will be revealed. So, these days after Epiphany are a time of important discernment. We hear many voices in our world, and we see many false lights that dazzle and attract us. We must be discerning, and when we hear the voice of the Lord let us follow.

Call to action: Jesus is the Light of the World as well as the Bread of Life. In order that we may have the strength to follow the light we need sustenance for the journey. This is a valuable time to foster love for Christ in his sacramental presence, to caste our cares upon him who cares so much for us.

Knowing that Our Lord cares for us makes the journey of discipleship easier, for we know that he is with us, loving us and calling us. Take the opportunity to connect the call to discipleship with the Holy Eucharist. It may bear much fruit in your parish community. Use your GC Smart Tools to send, by text or by email,

reminders to your people about prayer, about Eucharistic devotion, and about the love Christ has for them. Also, invite them to text their prayer requests to the parish. Then pray over those intentions each day in Eucharistic love for your people.

Pastoral Action Points

  1. If you haven’t yet prepared for Lent, you have a truly short window in which to do so. GiveCentral has Lenten templates available for pew cards, bulletin announcements, and sample letters you can customize for your community. Start looking at them now! You can find them in the GC communication portal.
  2. In addition to your pew cards, print your GiveCentral text phone number and your QR code in your bulletin each week. Remind your parishioners and visitors that they can make a quick donation by smartphone!
  3. Remember that people desire to be known, wanted, and accepted in their church communities. Make sure you are developing a greeting ministry! Ask your Confirmation candidates to serve as parish ambassadors at each mass! Or, set up an information desk in the foyer or gathering area where visitors can learn about your parish.
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Last modified: March 25, 2025

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