Category: Tips

1 220 / 20 POSTS
Donation forms that CONVERT: tips and best practices

Donation forms that CONVERT: tips and best practices

Imagine working tirelessly to reach your fundraising goals. You prepared a fundraising plan, promoted your cause everywhere, even reached out to your ...
Your 10-Step checklist for welcoming visitors this Easter

Your 10-Step checklist for welcoming visitors this Easter

Easter Sunday has been in observance since time immemorial and the significance of it surely isn’t unknown. Easter is the celebration of Christ's resu ...
The indispensable donor engagement strategy for nonprofits

The indispensable donor engagement strategy for nonprofits

Donor engagement is a phrase that you must have come across many a time. A question that you need to ask yourself is whether you give it the due impo ...
The simplest ways to generate traffic on a 0$ budget

The simplest ways to generate traffic on a 0$ budget

Whether you’re an established organization or a start-up, you do not have to spend a lot of money to make money. There are numerous ways to reach you ...
4 Tips to design your nonprofit donation page

4 Tips to design your nonprofit donation page

When it comes to fundraising for nonprofits, donation pages play a really important role. They are a stepping stone for your long term success. They n ...
What nonprofits need to know about mobile fundraising.

What nonprofits need to know about mobile fundraising.

At a time when almost every industry seems to be embracing the technological changes to remain relevant, there is no reason why nonprofits should stay ...
Last minute Christmas fundraising tips

Last minute Christmas fundraising tips

Why is Christmas Fundraising important? So that time of the year is finally here when people take a break from everything and spend time with their f ...
Christmas Marketing Tips: Innovative Holiday Marketing Strategies.

Christmas Marketing Tips: Innovative Holiday Marketing Strategies.

Why Holiday Marketing? December is that time of the year when generosity is at its peak. With the holiday season as the backdrop, people generally giv ...
How to get more views on YouTube: 9 tips for nonprofits

How to get more views on YouTube: 9 tips for nonprofits

YouTube, as a social media, is an incredible tool. Every minute, 100 hours of video are posted on the site. (Source) It is also the second largest sea ...
Giving Tuesday: Celebrating the spirit of holiday giving

Giving Tuesday: Celebrating the spirit of holiday giving

The holiday season is a whirl of activity. For many, it officially kicks off with the shopping, deal-focused frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday ...
1 220 / 20 POSTS