This Sunday marks the beginning of the new liturgical year (Happy New Year) and the start of Year “B” in the Sunday Lectionary cycle. While the broader culture is already celebrating Christmas, as Christians we are anticipating the coming of the Lord and the fulfillment of all things in Christ. As we examine our own lives, especially in the light of last week’s gospel reading from Matthew 25, we can feel what the people of Israel felt in today’s 1st reading from the Prophet Isaiah, “Behold, you are angry, and we are sinful; all of us have become like unclean people, all our good deeds are like polluted rags; we have all withered like leaves.” As we look at the state of the world under our stewardship it’s easy to feel the way Isaiah describes. Yet, while we may be tempted to give up on the world and even on ourselves, we need to follow the advice given in the Gospel of St. Mark to stay awake and to have hearts open to anticipation. Why? Because the Lord knows our weakness and is awaiting us to run with haste toward His coming.
Call to action: We live in a time when so many people doubt faith, Church, and religion in general. Yet, they are searching because they find their own lives so unsatisfying. Perhaps they relate to the people Isaiah talked about who look upon their own ability to contribute as nothing more than “polluted rag.” Yet, working together in the Body of Christ we can do so much good! We see the world from the Sacramental perspective as God’s beautiful creation and that this creation is so wonderful that God has determined to redeem it and us from our human failures. That’s the glorious news of Christmas – that God has so loved the world that He sent His only Son. The call in Advent is a call to the Christian virtue of hope and to connection with Christ and each other. The whole purpose of your GC Smart Tools is to help you provide connection, and thus hope to your congregation! If you’re not sure how to use your GC Smart Tools reach out GiveCentral! We love working with you!
Pastoral Action Points
- We have free, customizable templates available for your use as pew cards, and direct mail available for you here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rYrDmOXV9DnWHoseUviAnWwoChaY7B0P?usp=sharing.
We have also added many more email templates in the Comms Portal for your use. If you need assistance with learning the Comms Portal please contact Teresa at teresa@givecentral.org - Advent and Christmas are wonderful seasons to reach out to the unchurched, de-churched, and occasionally churched to invite them to deeper connection in the Body of Christ. Keep that spirit of welcome flowing in your parish. Use your GC Smart Text and GC Smart QR codes to invite new members.
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Last modified: November 9, 2024