Tag: tips

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5 Must-Know Tips To Save Your Church Money This Year

5 Must-Know Tips To Save Your Church Money This Year

A church is best known as the place for fellowship, finding comfort in worship and company of fellow church members. However, like any other organiza ...
5 Year-End Tips For Charitable Giving: Things to Know

5 Year-End Tips For Charitable Giving: Things to Know

In fundraising for nonprofits, advance planning is necessary in order to be successful. Charitable giving has to be planned for donors as well.  Nonp ...
Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

Why are people leaving your website without making a donation?

When creating a donation website, your primary goal is to get as many visitors to it as possible. After spending a lot of time building a site in you ...
7 Ways to Optimize Donor Experience for Nonprofits

7 Ways to Optimize Donor Experience for Nonprofits

Online donation has largely been a part of fundraising for nonprofits and it has grown by 12.1% over the past year. A solid and strong process of don ...
Five Donor Retention Strategies for your Online Fundraiser

Five Donor Retention Strategies for your Online Fundraiser

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it a series of new normal and virtual fundraising for nonprofits has been one among the lot. Although online f ...
4 steps to making engaging nonprofit videos on a budget

4 steps to making engaging nonprofit videos on a budget

We all know by now, that videos are the future of marketing. Cisco figures bear witness to this: in 2020, video content alone would represent 84% of ...
Thanking and retaining your monthly donors

Thanking and retaining your monthly donors

People often ask us, is it important to thank a recurring donor? That is to say a donor who gives monthly through a direct debit. The answer depends ...
[Case Study Saint Elizabeth] Tips for parishes to grow donations year over year

[Case Study Saint Elizabeth] Tips for parishes to grow donations year over year

Saint Elizabeth saw a 15% growth in donations (YoY) with GiveCentral During the pandemic outbreak, many nonprofit organizations chose to focus mes ...
[Expert Opinions] Year end fundraising tips 2020

[Expert Opinions] Year end fundraising tips 2020

It is that time of the year again when nonprofit professionals are rounding up their yearly fundraising campaigns and getting busy with all kinds of ...
4 Key tips for your nonprofit to get used to the new normal

4 Key tips for your nonprofit to get used to the new normal

The pandemic has taken the world by storm, Covid-19 has truly changed the whole business landscape of different industries. Fundraising for nonprofit ...
1 2 3 5 10 / 41 POSTS