GiveCentral Blogs


DonorsElectronic GivingNonprofit DonationsNonprofit FundraisingOnline Giving Views: 0

3 online giving myths debunked – What you should do instead

To say the Internet has had a huge effect on our society would be a gross understatement. The reality is, the digital age is transforming...

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DonorsElectronic GivingOnline Giving Views: 3

How Technology Can Revitalize An Annual Giving Campaign

Recently, we shared our new white paper on best practices for rejuvenating your annual giving campaign with online giving strategies....

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DonorsElectronic GivingOnline Giving Views: 0

What’s new? GiveCentral’s website!

New Features to Enhance Fundraising You may have noticed that some things look a little different around here since the last time you...

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DonorsElectronic GivingHolidayOnline Giving Views: 0

‘Tis the season for giving

Holiday Giving ‘Tis the Season for Donations While Christmas is still more then seven weeks away, a trip to the mall or a dial of the...

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DonorsElectronic GivingOnline GivingResearch Views: 0

How scary is the increasing role of technology in giving?

Technology Some Find its Role in Giving Scary The GiveCentral 2015 survey ‘Predictions for Nonprofit Giving‘ is currently...

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Annual CampaignsBest PracticesDonorsElectronic GivingResearch Views: 0

Rejuvenating the annual campaign with online giving

Annual campaigns typically represent the biggest source of revenue for religious organizations, placing great importance on the strategies...

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