Smart Tools for Disaster Relief: Empowering Florida’s Recovery
The recent floods in Florida have created havoc throughout the state. It is disheartening to watch people lose their lives, houses, and...
Planning a fundraiser: The Ultimate Crowdfunding Checklist
Crowdfunding is a mechanism that allows funds to be raised for an individual cause or an organization, generally small amounts, from a...
Best ways to achieve your target through crowdfunding
Given the current time and situation brought about by Covid-19, the term and concept of “crowdfunding” may not seem very inviting...
Hurricane Dorian – How can your donations reach the right people?
Bahamas has been devastated by one of the most powerful hurricanes ever recorded. At least thirty people have died and several thousand...
How SEO takes a crowdfunding campaign to Google front page
A crowdfunding search engine is similar to any other normal search engine. There are multiple pages on it and one needs to have a...
GiveCentral’s Online Fundraising Platform for Schools
As much as $41 billion were raised for colleges and universities in 2016, up from $40.30 billion 2015. These figures are enough to show the...
University saint mary of the lake raises over $40,000!
On April 12, 2018, GiveCentral helped University of Saint Mary of the Lake and Mundelein Seminary host their annual gala. Over 700 guest...
3 Strategies to keep in mind when it comes to alumni crowdfunding
People usually share a strong bond with the institutions that they were once a part of. This bond runs down a little deeper when it comes...