Who Do You Say I Am? Understanding Jesus in Today’s World
Jesus asks this question of his apostles in today’s reading from St. Matthew’s Gospel. If the question was relevant in Jesus’ own...
Breaking Barriers: God’s Invitation to All Peoples
God’s intent, throughout the sacred story of the scriptures, was that the One True God should be known to all the nations of the earth!...
Listening for the Divine: The Peace of Christ in the Stillness
In our search for faith, we often enough look for God in grand and large things. We look for signs “of biblical proportions,” like...
The Power of Silence: How Lent Helps Us Hear God’s Voice
Pastoral Reflection There is an irony in the juxtaposition of the first reading and the gospel. Abraham, who thinks he must “give up”...
Finding God in Every Transition: Lessons from the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord
Pastoral Reflection As we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord today and the Baptism of the Lord tomorrow, we bring our Christmas season to a...
Breaking Self-Exile: Returning to Community and Christ’s Love
Pastoral Reflection A Message of Hope: Healing, Restoration, and Renewal In today’s first reading from the Book of Leviticus, we see a...
Restoring Light: How the Church Can Lift the Burdened
Pastoral Reflection In the 1st reading for today we see that poor Job, who has suffered so many problems and deprivations, is tempted to...
Welcoming All with Grace: A Call to Compassionate Ministry
Pastoral Reflection Notice that when Jesus encounters the man with the unclean spirit, he does not condemn the man so afflicted. Rather, he...
Journeying Through Lent: Aligning Our Hearts with Christ
Pastoral Reflection Sts. Matthew and Luke offer more details about Jesus’ time in the desert, but St. Mark highlights that this moment...
God’s Simple Messengers: The Shepherds’ Lesson for Our Parish Community
Pastoral Reflection (based on the reading for mass at dawn) The shepherds mentioned in St. Luke’s Gospel were simple, humble people who...