GiveCentral Blogs


Donor ManagementOnline Giving Views: 0

Time is money : Understanding your nonprofits

The words of Benjamin Franklin –“Time is Money” – are particularly apropos for nonprofit organizations. There never...

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Best PracticesDonor Management Views: 0

Spring spruce-up – time to update your donor database!

It’s Spring, at least according to the calendar (we celebrated the spring equinox on Sunday, March 20th). Now’s the time to...

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Holiday Views: 1

May the luck of the irish be with you!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s been said that everyone is Irish on March 17th. That saying must not be blarney because...

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DonorsResearch Views: 0

Understanding donor preferences means more money

Individuals account for nearly three-quarters of the nation’s charitable contributions. While the reasons why they give vary, once...

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Online GivingResearch Views: 0

Red Gift, Blue Gift: How giving crosses party lines

It’s Super Tuesday. As thousands of voters head to the primary polls, I thought it would be interesting – and fun – to...

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Electronic GivingInsightsNonprofit FundraisingOnline GivingResearchSurvey Views: 0

Time Will Tell:Fundraising Study Shares Nonprofit Insights

Put yourself in your donor’s shoes. The frenzy of the morning rush. Workdays packed with meetings and deadlines. Add to that the...

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Featured PostGiving TuesdayMarketing for Non Profits Views: 1

New study reveals insights on donor giving habits

Knowing your audience is critically important. Understanding their habits, interests, what motivates them and their charitable preferences...

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Best PracticesHoliday Views: 0

What does your groundhog predict?

I for one am thrilled that Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow this morning… bring on spring! This annual ritual, where a...

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Best PracticesIdeas Views: 0

January is nearly gone…but not forgotten

Can it possibly be the last week in January already?   Did you ever wonder where the month of January got its name?  It’s named...

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Best Practices Views: 0

Words to live by: Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As the nation celebrates the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and honors the accomplishments of this visionary leader, I am...

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