Tag: emails

1 215 / 15 POSTS
Mobile Giving – A smart strategy for fundraising

Mobile Giving – A smart strategy for fundraising

Everyone has a smartphone these days. With everything being at the fingertip, businesses are moving towards a “mobile first” approach.  Nonprofits can ...
How to ask for donations over email: 4 easy methods.

How to ask for donations over email: 4 easy methods.

It can feel awkward or even nerve-wracking to ask for donations any time, but when it comes to asking over email, your hands might feel particularly ...
How to make the most effective use of emails on this World Humanitarian Day?

How to make the most effective use of emails on this World Humanitarian Day?

World Humanitarian Day is a celebration of the selfless brave hearts who risk their lives working for causes that help others lead a better life. Ever ...
How to fundraise across multiple channels

How to fundraise across multiple channels

Your donors are all different. Some prefer pasta, while others love steak. Some are always on Facebook, while others never touch social media. What d ...
8 Fundraising email strategies to drive high response rates

8 Fundraising email strategies to drive high response rates

Your non-profit engages in email marketing and the first thing you do is send an email to your supporter and potential donor appealing to them to come ...
1 215 / 15 POSTS