Pastoral Reflection (based on the reading for mass at dawn)

The shepherds mentioned in St. Luke’s Gospel were simple, humble people who lived out in the fields with their sheep. Over time, we’ve romanticized the idea of these shepherds, turning them into cute knick-knacks for our nativity sets. But what St. Luke describes is actually quite shocking
“All who heard it were amazed by what had been told them by the shepherds!” The message the shepherds shared was the incredible news the angels had delivered to them: the Messiah, the Christ, had been born.
However, the fact that people were amazed doesn’t mean they believed the shepherds. Not everyone flocked to Bethlehem to see the child.
In fact, the only other visitors mentioned in the Gospels were the Magi, as told by St. Matthew. This once again shows that God often chooses the simplest among us to carry His message and reveal His power and glory.
Most people who come to our churches are like the shepherds—simple, humble, and aware of their imperfections. They may not seek fame, but they rely on God’s grace to guide them toward the perfection that only He can offer. Let us welcome these humble seekers, just as the shepherds were welcomed at the manger.
Call to Action:
With so many visitors, family members, and former parishioners attending services this weekend, it’s a crucial time to connect with them.
Use your GC Smart Tools to help with these connections. Whether it’s through text numbers, QR codes, pew cards, banners, bulletin announcements, greeters, or pulpit announcements, make sure you are providing the information needed to grow your parish and build stronger relationships.
These next few days are busy, but GiveCentral is here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact us at with any questions or requests.
Pastoral Action Points:
- Ensure your ushers, greeters, and staff are prepared, and make sure the pew cards are replenished for each Mass or service this weekend.
- First impressions matter. Have your staff or volunteers keep the restrooms clean and well-stocked between Masses. A welcoming environment is key.
- Encourage high school-aged youth to get involved as extra greeters or information ambassadors this weekend. It will be a rewarding experience for them and will help make visitors feel truly welcomed.
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