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Pastoral Notes 8th Sunday and Ash Wednesday, Year C

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Pastoral Reflection for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, And March 5th, Ash Wednesday

Shine like lights in the world.”

This Sunday closes the post-Epiphany Ordinary Season and prepares us for the new Season of Lent. Each of today’s readings calls us to self-reflection and awareness of our critical eye toward others. Jesus suggests that we might want to be mindful of the plank in our own eye before we go after the specks in other people’s eyes. Perhaps with the popularity of social media and the polarization in TV and Radio media, our culture has become somewhat more meanspirited. Disciples of Jesus are called to be different in this world and not merely to imitate worldly ways. We are called to be light amidst darkness, love in the presence of hate, hope in the presence of despair, and merciful where healing is needed. As one season closes and another begins, let the ashes we wear on March 5th be a sign of our change of heart toward ourselves and a sign to the world of the mercy of the Lord.

Call to Action

Many people who might otherwise not be attending church during Lent return to church for this season. Be a welcoming parish and a sign of God’s mercy and love. Use your GC SmartText and Email to welcome and capture the contact information of Lenten visitors.

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Vish Vass
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